Bob Bromley
Statements in Debates
Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you, colleagues, on both sides of the House here for their comments and I appreciate the Member bringing this forward for discussion and debate. I think there have been good points made on both sides and, ultimately, it really does depend on performance of the Minister and the department with respect to how well the intent, as the summary states, to fill vacant positions is actually accomplished. I think there have been some arguments made for having flexibility. I think really what we’re dealing with here is a matter of trust and the lack of trust, especially when...
Thank you, Mr. Chair. Yes, thank you for that response. I am getting some clarity on it here.
I guess, are there any corralling sidebars with respect to this potential to double fill? To ensure that the example that was used, somebody is about to retire, that would be acceptable, but somebody that was not about to retire and was being forced out without due process, that would be something, I suspect, committee would not appreciate or support. So are there any controls at all on the double filling potential? Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Chair. I’m just going to attempt once more at my question. I apologize; I do not have a legal background. I’m trying to determine, with reference to the initial phrase under Section 4(3), “Notwithstanding any other provision of this act...” I’m just wondering, going back to the Public Service Act as it now stands before amendment, whether it enables the Minister to appoint a person into a position that is already filled, thereby displacing that person. Can the Minister do that already today without reference to what’s happening in this amendment?
Thank you, Mr. Chair. I actually do have a question just to provide some context for discussion in the clause-by-clause. I appreciate all the perspectives I’ve heard so far and the Minister’s comments.
My question is: Does the Public Service Act, as it currently is, provide for the Minister to be able to directly appoint an employee into a position that is already filled, thereby displacing the incumbent? Is that ability provided for in the current act? Just to be sure, I’m asking, does the current version of the Public Service Act, which we’re proposing to amend here, currently provide the...
Because this is so important, I am going to repeat. I think the Premier was busy when I made this question. What I’m saying is these are very serious complaints out there right now. Unsupervised three and four-year-olds. Very serious to communities, very serious to parents and so on.
Will the Premier ensure that there is a process in place to deal with those complaints effectively? Also, will he deal with them and get back to this House by next Thursday on what’s being done about this situation? Mahsi.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to ask a question following up on the Premier’s statement on Junior Kindergarten made yesterday in the House.
Yesterday the Premier committed to “reach out to all other education authorities, Aboriginal Head Start, licenced daycare and home operators” in their consultation regarding Junior Kindergarten.
I am sure the department of ECE would say they have already done this, but what will be different this time around? Will the Aboriginal Head Start and the other leading, successful phase four program operators be taking a lead role in the communities where...
Mr. Speaker, new responsibilities without new resources are a recipe for failure. The proposed review of JK should, therefore, focus on all of these aspects. Specifically, evaluation and subsequent planning should recognize the need for small group sizes, qualified and well-compensated early care and education personnel, development of warm and caring relationships, achievement of a language-rich environment, developmentally appropriate programs and safe physical settings. With this focus and all parties working together in true partnership, we can provide the best future for all children of...
Have there been any cases in the last year or two that the Minister is aware of where we have done this sort of thing, double filling positions?
Thank you, Mr. Chair. To cut to the chase for the record: imprudent, premature. Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My questions today are for Premier McLeod, following my Member’s Statement where I spoke about my disappointment that yet again this government has acted in a way inconsistent with the tenets of consensus government, this time in the formation and work of the Intergovernmental Council on Land and Resource Management. Despite assurances from the Premier, MLAs had no input into the terms of reference and have no observer status.
Why, despite specific requests to and obligations of the Premier, were MLAs left completely outside of the room of the Intergovernmental Council...