Debates of May 31, 2005 (day 5)
Member’s Statement On Proposed Move Of The Territorial Treatment Centre
Thank you, Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker, in case it hasn’t been made absolutely clear by now, I’d like to state categorically once again that the proposed move of the Territorial Treatment Centre to anywhere out of Yellowknife is a very poorly planned and, as one of my Newfoundland friends will say, a foolish idea that must be stopped in its tracks today, Madam Speaker. It should be stopped at least until the Minister and the Cabinet gives us clear answers to some real basic and important questions that we are entitled. We being not only the MLAs of this House or even the staff at the Territorial Treatment Centre, but more importantly in the best interest of the children who are being treated there.
Madam Speaker, the children who are being treated there are in a very sophisticated, comprehensive, well-planned, well-developed clinical setting. These children suffer from very severe emotional, behavioural and mental issues that they are under treatment for. It has taken years, at least 10 years, for this program to be developed in this city by the very fragile putting together of various specialists and professionals who can address the needs of these children. So far the information that we’re giving in this House does not indicate to us in any way that the Cabinet and the Minister have given due regard to the interest and needs of these children.
I’d like to ask also, Madam Speaker, why is it that the Social Programs committee, which I chair, was not given any notice whatsoever? I could tell you that the only time I got to know about this project was when I read it in the paper. There has never been any plan about the adequacy of the building or how these children are going to be treated if they get moved out of the system that they are being treated under. I’d like to know if the Cabinet had good information as to all aspects of the treatment and the facility that they are under. I would like to know if ECE -- I know for sure that they have not -- have consulted the educational system in Hay River or anywhere else about whether or not they can absorb these very high-need students and be able to provide the necessary service that they need.
Madam Speaker, I would like to pursue all of these questions further later today. Thank you.
Hear! Hear!