Integrity Commissioner Dismisses Complaints

(YELLOWKNIFE) Wednesday, January 29, 2025 – The Northwest Territories Legislative Assembly Integrity Commissioner, Mr. David Phillip Jones, Q.C., has investigated and dismissed two complaints against the Members for Nahendeh and Yellowknife South.

The first report into a complaint, received by Speaker Thompson, alleged that Minister Caroline Wawzonek was in a conflict of interest due to her spouse’s ownership of shares in Canadian Utilities Limited. Following an investigation, the Integrity Commissioner dismissed the complaint under section 74(2) of the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act, determining that owning shares in a large, publicly traded corporation by a Minister’s spouse does not create a conflict of interest.

The second report into a complaint received by Deputy Speaker Richard Edjericon, alleged that MLA Shane Thompson breached the MLA’s Code of Conduct by disclosing identifying information about the complainant without permission. Following an investigation, the Integrity Commissioner dismissed the complaint under section 102(2)(a)(iii) of the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act, concluding that the information shared by MLA Thompson could not reasonably be considered confidential, as it was not marked private, did not contain sensitive personal details, and was copied to multiple recipients.

As required under the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act, the Integrity Commissioner has prepared detailed reports of these investigations which have been shared publicly. The reports will be tabled by the Speaker and Deputy Speaker on the first day of the next sitting of the Legislative Assembly.

For further information, please contact: 
Public Affairs and Communications
Northwest Territories Legislative Assembly