Members Take Action for Improved Housing Outcomes

(YELLOWKNIFE) Wednesday, March 10, 2021 – A motion that directs the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) to prioritize the problematic issue of housing in the Territory was carried by Members of the Legislative Assembly today.

Specifically, the motion calls upon the GNWT to prioritize the review of the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation (NWTHC) as part of the Government Renewal Initiative. It also directs the NWTHC to update its Mission Statement and policies to reflect the role it plays in social wellness. Finally, the NWTHC is directed to include referrals to appropriate government programs as part of its process prior to evicting residents.

This motion was debated and carried after several statements and questions regarding housing in the Chamber today.

Both the 19th Legislative Assembly as a collective as well as the Standing Committee on Social Development have voiced the fact that housing is an urgent priority for the Northwest Territories.

“The administration of housing affects every single community in the Territory. Housing is a social determinant of health, and it must be treated as such by this government. Until the Housing Corporation incorporates and acknowledges the relationship between housing and health and wellbeing into its policies and practices, the NWTHC will not benefit our residents to its fullest potential,” says Caitlin Cleveland, MLA Kam Lake and mover of the motion.

The GNWT has 120 days to provide a response to the motion.

For more information, please contact:
Caitlin Cleveland
MLA Kam Lake
Northwest Territories Legislative Assembly