NT Legislative Assembly's Accountability and Oversight Update

YELLOWKNIFE (APRIL 2, 2020) - The Standing Committee on Accountability and Oversight has been meeting several times a week to discuss the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and how best to address issues raised by constituents across the Northwest Territories. The Committee strongly supports the actions taken by the Chief Public Health Officer to protect the health of NWT residents. The Standing Committee is in regular contact with the Premier and Ministers, and is providing support and advice to the Executive Council as they lead the Government of the Northwest Territories’ response to this unprecedented event.

The Committee is particularly concerned with ensuring the impacts to isolated communities are minimized, including ensuring that essential services, including passenger, freight and medevac air services, are maintained. The Committee recognizes that all businesses are being negatively impacted by the pandemic, and is continuing to work to find ways to mitigate these impacts. Another area of concern for Committee is the potential eviction of residential tenants, and the Committee has recommended the Government consider a suspension of residential tenancy evictions for 90 days.

The Standing Committee strongly encourages all residents to follow the directives of the Chief Public Health Officer, and to continue to support their families, neighbours and communities through social distancing, self-isolating where necessary, and continuing to respond in the best tradition of Northerners by remaining positive and contributing to their communities in safe and healthy ways.

For more information:

Steve Norn, Chair
MLA, Tu Nedhé-Wıìlıı̀deh
Northwest Territories Legislative Assembly
E: @email