Voice Your Opinion

The Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) of the NWT encourage you to add your voice to the many issues before them in the Assembly, or on other topics that are important to you.


How to voice your opinion or take part in Assembly proceedings:

Contact your MLA – Tell your MLA your concerns and ask questions.

E-Petitions – Start or sign a petition to raise an important issue with other NWT residents. There are many popular options to begin an E-Petition such as Change.Org

Presentations to Standing Committees – Standing committees may travel throughout the NWT asking residents for their opinion on legislation or other important issues. Making a presention to a standing committee is a great way to have your voice heard.


Why it’s important?

Being able to voice your opinion is the right of all citizens in a democracy.

The participation of NWT residents in the legislative process means that the legislature may more broadly reflect the diversity of opinions from across our Territory.

Here in the NWT, our small population and our consensus style of government provide residents with a great opportunity to communicate directly with elected Members.


