Alfred Moses

Inuvik Boot Lake

Statements in Debates

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 5th Session (day 18)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. As follow-up to my Member’s statement earlier today, I’d like to ask the Minister of Human Resources, since the MOU with the Union of Northern Workers on the Safe Disclosure of Information Agreement that we signed into April 1, 2013, I’d just like to ask if there has been any uptake into that program. If so, how many, I guess, allegations or complaints did the GNWT receive?

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 5th Session (day 18)

Just maybe a recommendation for some type of questionnaire or survey to follow up for any harvesters that are seeing any specific challenges or pressures that will give some direction to government.

The second area that I wanted to discuss is an area that I haven’t seen an increase in over the years, but it’s something that does bring some economic increases to our region and Inuvik, and that’s with the Great Northern Arts Festival. With the forced growth, the cost of travel, increased cost of hotel rooms, materials for people that want to participate in some of the events or sell their...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 5th Session (day 18)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. Just two areas I wanted to touch on here as my colleagues have already talked about a couple that I wanted to discuss. First off is the Community Harvester Program, and I see there’s somewhat of a significant contribution in that area, but I’m just wondering if the department and the Minister have taken into account some things such as climate change, migratory paths of the animals and possibly because of climate change, or even if there’s some development in a certain area that causes some of these harvesters to take a longer route, or if ice hasn’t frozen yet, or other...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 5th Session (day 18)

I just wanted to get confirmation on the consumption and usage of the LNG and whether or not it’s being used at a faster rate than initially proposed when the commissioning happened. I know there was an amount of days that they said that once it was ready to be used, and hearing that it’s actually being consumed a lot faster than what it was initially intended for. I know there are trial and error runs and we want to try to come up with the best solution, so I just want to know if it’s the same thing that the Minister is hearing.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 5th Session (day 18)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Knowing full well that we’re going to take this agreement on April 1, 2013, not everybody always goes to our websites to review some of this information, and hearing that we had posters out explaining this program in December 2013, nine months after this agreement was supposed to take place, I’d like to ask the Minister – it says that the Safe Disclosure Panel and coordinator will report annually – when can we expect to see a report tabled in this House of some of the best practices and probably some of the challenges or some things that we might not have taken into...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 5th Session (day 18)

As I mentioned, in the statement that was out on February 21st for the then-Minister of Human Resources, it mentions that a safe disclosure coordinator was going to be put into position as well as a Safe Disclosure Panel.

Would the Minister have the costs of the staffing for this position for this past fiscal year that this government has approved? We aren’t getting any results on this safe disclosure of information pilot project, I guess you can say right now, or this agreement.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 5th Session (day 18)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. On February 21, 2013, then Minister of Human Resources made a statement in this House that the Government of the Northwest Territories signed a memorandum of understanding agreement with the Union of Northern Workers. The agreement outlined procedures for employees to safely disclose allegations of wrongdoings within the government, known as the Safe Disclosure of Information, and the MOU was to take effect April 1, 2013.

Some of these highlights included providing employees with access to an independent mechanism for them to confidentially report situations where the...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 5th Session (day 17)

In terms of educating our youth about high-risk behaviours, in the Northwest Territories sometimes we see the unfortunate incidents that result from that. I was very involved with a program called the Party Program, and I know they did it here in Yellowknife and I know they did it in Inuvik; I’m not sure what other communities there were. But it was very expensive and I know that the chief coroner at the time did some very strong presentations that were really effective in teaching youth and adults about high-risk behaviour, something that we always want to put forth. It was a very effective...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 5th Session (day 17)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today I have questions in regard to our procurement contract processes that we have. The Minister of ITI tabled a document in the House in our last sitting session. I just want to talk a bit about some of the concerns that are brought up from residents, especially the small businesses that can’t really out bid some of our bigger companies. I wanted to bring forth some of the concerns that they do have.

I would like to ask the Minister about sole-source contracting, not the process behind it but at what point is this government going to start looking at doing a better job...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 5th Session (day 17)

Some of my initial research on death review committees shows that they’re very good in terms of the recommendations that are made and giving direction to government on what needs to be changed in terms of legislation or policies, or whether or not some type of action needs to be done in a small community. Obviously, there are incidents and cases where we’ve talked about policing in small communities and some of the small communities not having police officers, so that review committee might make a recommendation to include those things.

I’m looking at the number here for the coroner’s office...