Alfred Moses

Inuvik Boot Lake

Statements in Debates

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 22)

As I mentioned yesterday, those two specific programs, we did stop taking enrolments in the programs. The students who are currently in there are going to continue to get the support that they need to graduate, complete their programs, and I've said that in the House on numerous occasions. We will follow up with the staff at Aurora College as well to make sure that they're sending the same message to the students that we want to support them, we want them to graduate, and also to support them if they want to go to another post-secondary institution.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 22)

Well, just the two programs that were discussed that we brought up in this House over and over and over again and many times, so just the two programs.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 22)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. As I mentioned in this House, we're not taking any intakes into this program until the foundational review is done. Then from there with the Skills 4 Success, with the labour market information needs and assessment that we also have, we will develop a strategic plan and the direction for the college moving forward, but right now I think it's important we get the foundational review done, and also provide these students with alternatives such as other colleges that we do have some of our northern students going to, such as Alberta, the Yukon, or even in Saskatchewan. It...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 22)

We can have some staff follow up with Aurora College and make sure that information that's been portrayed to the students since we've started this process, that it will be relayed to the students. It is an operational component, so we will check with Aurora College on that.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 22)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Yes, our department has been working closely with the Aurora College and always has been having a good partnership with them.

As our contractor has been doing the work around the foundational review, we have been getting updates and ensuring that the Aurora College and the staff know what the process is, the process that I explained yesterday to the Member for Frame Lake. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 21)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, in support of the Government of the Northwest Territories' mandate, the department and Aurora College are embarking on an ambitious path to change that will lead to expanded opportunities right across the Northwest Territories for residents. They gave an update earlier this session on those. I am expecting this foundational review, the final report to be delivered to myself by March 31st.

Further to that, Mr. Speaker, once we do get the final report, we are going to develop a management response that will be prepared to support the implementations or the...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 21)

The Member in his opening remarks earlier talked about training and skill development. That is a focus of our department, but we work collaboratively not only within other departments within the GNWT but also business and other organizations on how we address that. I think it takes more than just the one department to look at addressing the knowledge economy.

One of the other mandates that has changed was working with the Department of ENR in terms of studying the feasibility of creating a Northern Centre of Excellence to support and promote such things as research, innovation, traditional...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 21)

As Members know, there are no enrolments into both the social work diploma program as well as the Bachelor of Education program. As we're going through this foundational review, we're going to be looking at things such as governance, operations, academic program process, accountability, student recruitment retention. This is not a program review itself, but the recommendations are expected to help guide us for the future of how the college is going to be conducting its business. Following this foundational review itself, Mr. Speaker, and drawing on other supporting documents such as the...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 21)

Mr. Speaker, Indigenous language revitalization is a shared responsibility. Language revitalization is not something that can be done solely alone by the schools. Rather, numerous stakeholders, including elders, Indigenous and community governments, language groups, and families must work together to see our nine Indigenous languages thrive.

Mr. Speaker, in the past year, including $5.9 million from the federal government, we have invested $11 million in Indigenous language revitalization, through Indigenous governments who have the authority and responsibility to design and deliver Indigenous...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 21)

I just want to update the Member. Once again, I did make a statement on this earlier in the session, but we are looking at possibly getting a draft bill in late 2018 or possibly early 2019. As the Members know, there is a discussion paper and an executive summary on our website currently. Once that bill is drafted and we get input and feedback on the discussion paper, we're going to see other institutions outside Aurora College, such as the Dechinta Centre for Research and Learning and College nordique francophone, are all going to benefit from such a legislation. Those are the timelines. I'm...