Bill Braden

Great Slave

Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 9)

Mr. Speaker. I am not going to support this motion. I do believe though in putting it forward, my colleague Mr. Ramsay and those who are supporting it, were putting something constructive on the floor here, Mr. Speaker. That is that the information requested in the motion is nothing more than four years ago in the debate. Okay, I’m getting there. The government should be very forthcoming in saying we will present the revised analysis. We will present the revised risk situations, the revised traffic numbers. Here is what we are willing to put in front of people. That has to be something that...

Debates of , (day 9)

Thank you very much.


…in the financing proposals. They are ideas, they aren’t nailed down yet but they are ideas that have been put out there that will indeed enable Ottawa to come to the table for this project.

I asked the question a little while ago and my colleague Ms. Lee referenced the other visionary transportation projects that are before us now. One is a port and road project that would come down from the North that would, in effect, bypass the infrastructure we already have here. What would be seriously threatened if the signal that went up from this Assembly is we don’t...

Debates of , (day 9)

Why should we go ahead? If we don’t stop saying, as my colleague here -- maybe that didn’t pick up on the mic -- Mr. Miltenberger said. the little engine that can. We are. If we don’t believe we’re the little engine that can, then what are we doing here?


We’ve got to get this one going. Mr. Speaker, the colours that I wear federally are no secret to this House, but I must say that I have got....


Debates of , (day 9)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. So what I'm hearing is we're going to take a neutral stand on these projects; we're not going to evaluate them for their relative merits and then seek out one that we can support. So I guess my question is, are we going to be standing on the sidelines as the two projects develop, Mr. Speaker?

Debates of , (day 9)

Mr. Speaker, thank you. My questions this afternoon are for Mr. Menicoche, the Minister for Transportation. Mr. Speaker, there are two visionary projects in play right now to open up the diamond fields and other mineral areas north and east of Yellowknife to more secure transportation. The Bathurst Inlet port and road proposal, which would bring things in via the Arctic Ocean marine route, and, of course, the Tibbet to Contwoyto seasonal winter road project. Both have significant ramifications for our economy; both will require significant public and/or private investment. It is likely...

Debates of , (day 9)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. That’s very good news and I know a lot of families will be looking forward to hearing about this next month. Mr. Speaker, the Minister mentioned children and perhaps I missed something in his reply but I would like to confirm, are we also going to be acknowledging or accommodating adults, Mr. Speaker, who can sometimes find themselves in situations where they are perhaps as helpless as children but still warrant and can be provided the support of families? Will we be acknowledging the situations for disabled adults, Mr. Speaker? Thank you.

Debates of , (day 8)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I will support the bill. It is a good piece of housekeeping and I think, Mr. Chairman, in virtually any field of endeavour of employment you will find that under almost any circumstances, even those that are less than ideal, that employers or workers will have some remuneration based on length or term of service on which they and their family can rely if and when they decide or it's necessary for them to leave. MLAs are without this right now; of course, in the circumstance that they should decide to, or be forced to, resign. I don't think that is a realistic or a...

Debates of , (day 8)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. That is interesting. I kind of contrast that investment with the decision by the Department of Human Resources to actually reduce investment in counselling services in mental health support to our own employees. Because of the decision by the Department of Human Resources to choose a southern-based contractor for our Employee Assistance Program, does it concern the Minister that we are subsequently going to be losing resident professionals who could be part of the mental health regime here in the NWT, Mr. Speaker?

Debates of , (day 8)

Mr. Speaker, given the irregularities in the way the contract was administered and awarded, the principals of Northstar have requested that the RFP be re-bid, re-assessed and a new award considered under an objective and impartial process. I support that request. Will the Minister take this and indeed reopen this RFP, Mr. Speaker?

Debates of , (day 8)

Mr. Speaker, does the successful bidder, Shepell-fgi, have an office here in the NWT and resident full-time staff? Is it fully compliant with the conditions of the business incentive policy that is in place to, in fact, enable northern businesses to be sustained here?