Bob Bromley
Statements in Debates
Thanks, Mr. Chair. I had a similar question on the lease. It seems like it did in the land quantum that we’re talking about here, the previously federal land coming over. I think last year our lease revenue was $700,000 from MACA and so that’s been transferred over, it’s $7,000 and now we’re talking about $1.3 million from the federal government, but given the land quantum difference between Commissioner’s land and the federal land, that seems like a small amount. Any explanation for that? Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I just wanted to comment on the high performance athlete grant for $100,000. I know that is super appreciated by our athletes that are now competing, and winning, at the national and Olympic level. I am wondering if there has been any thought to increasing that, given the levels that our athletes are competing at and the number of athletes that we are starting to see. You know, just in the last year I can think of constituents that have won Western Canada and national championships in their sports. I know many of us could say similar sorts of things, so is it time to...
Thank you. Just related to that, in terms of the conservation, ultimately we’re talking sustainability here, and I think that’s a pillar in this department. How would that be brought in to all of this?
I’m just wondering, like, 19 positions, say, would be a couple million dollars, and transfer of $2.73 million, so we’re not transferring any O and M with that, just the $2.73 million? I just want to be clear on that. It sounds like there hasn’t been much efficiency in the transfer of 19 positions and the programs that go with them.
Mr. Chairman, this is an unexpected player at the table now. I hadn’t heard about this one. So, CanNor is the one that will be working with our Minister of Lands on decision-making. Is that correct? Who is the Minister for CanNor? Thank you.
Thanks, Mr. Chair. I am always curious and I’ve been trying to find out over the years, but I wonder if the Minister could supply me with a list of the courses that address the opportunity, need and methods for energy efficiency, renewable energy and energy conservation in the courses offered in the School of Community Government. Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Perhaps that’s something else we can talk about during our briefing on the new department.
With the additional inspectors and the additional responsibility, we know that our land base is up considerably here, it’s a lot more work, an order of magnitude in possible enforcement activities and so on. During the review with Justice, we didn’t see much response in anticipation of this. Has the department worked with Justice to get recognition that there is a lot more inspectors, there could be a lot more legal work here as a result of infractions and so on? Thank you.
Has the budget dropped commensurately?
There were three examples that the deputy minister used, land use permit in the ISR, a water licence, which would be determined by the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources. I just wanted to know if any federal Ministers would play any role there.
Thanks, Mr. Chair. I know this department is putting a lot of effort into community capacity building and I know that it comes up again under the School of Community government, I believe. I believe we were putting about a million into it, and obviously, there’s less than that in the School of Community Government so I’m assuming that it’s in here. If that’s the case, and this is the appropriate page, what’s the status of that work? We’ve been doing it for a little while now. Is there some sort of evaluation? I think the Minister got this question last year and was, I think, intent on getting...