Bob Bromley


Statements in Debates

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 27)

Thank you, Madam Chair, and thanks to the Minister for his opening statement. I note we’re 32 percent carry-over. That’s a pretty high number. I believe if that’s the case, our capital budget from last year was about $225 million; $75 million, or about a third of that, was carried over. I know in the 16th Assembly we had a Deputy Minister’s Infrastructure Subcommittee that tried to focus on getting that number down. I think the lowest we reached was about 24 percent. Maybe I could get the Minister’s perspectives on this. This was a relatively modest capital budget compared to the capital...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 27)

I appreciate that information on the ongoing interest of the Minister there. I guess it doesn’t address my point, though, that when we know we are going to lapse from these large adjacent back projects, significant dollars that would be huge to the Detah road project, that we identify those early on and enable that Detah road project to go forward until the bountiful federal government comes forward with additional money. This really is the GNWT’s responsibility. Thank you.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 27)

I will look forward to what the Minister concludes on that one.

On the issue of emergency response, the worst situation would likely be a fire during the deconstruction, which would cause immediate downwind threats to human health. AANDC says there’s an emergency plan in place and warnings would be issued, but even if I heard a siren, I wouldn’t know what to do. Go inside? Listen to the radio? This information should be easy to communicate through ads and flyers delivered to homes.

Will the Minister again commit to contacting his partners and urging them to advertise and distribute detailed...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 27)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. My question was: What was the original budget for the reconstruction of Highway No. 4? I see we lapsed several million dollars and it’s being carried over and proposed here, but what was the original budget for the work that year?

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 27)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My questions today are for the Minister for Environment and Natural Resources. Work is beginning, under the authority of a federal water licence, for the deconstruction of the roaster complex at the Giant Mine site, but I’ve heard that AANDC no longer has water resource officers in Yellowknife. Their water licence inspector positions are all vacant except for one in Inuvik.

Given the significant potential for environmental and human health impact from the Giant Mine roaster complex deconstruction – as we all know it’s full of arsenic trioxide and so on, 16 tonnes, I...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 27)

Thanks to the Minister. The other thing I’d like confirmation on is I understand that as a result of ATCON’s work and some mistakes they made or whatever, and their bankruptcy or pulling out of the project, there was a deficiency account established of about $13 million, and we are pulling from those funds the money to correct the work that’s needed to be corrected. Those are in addition to the $202 million, but it’s no cost to us. It’s a liability thing for ATCON, and that that amount is some part of that $13 million. Maybe the Minister can tell us about how much that is, if I’ve got that...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 27)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I want to focus on a difficult issue of seeking equity on parental custody arrangements to serve the best interests of children and parents caught up in divorce.

Data shows that when it comes time to determine custody arrangements in divorce, children are most often put in the exclusive custody of the mother. Statistics Canada indicates this is so in 80 percent of cases, with fathers at 7 percent of cases and shared custody in only 13 percent.

Our family courts make custody determinations on the basis of individual circumstances. The first priority must be to set...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 27)

I appreciate that offer and I’d like to be notified whether or not Education has confirmed things within the next two weeks. Thank you.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 27)

Thank you, Madam Chair. I just want to ask about the plans for the interior works on the Kay Tay Whee School in Detah. I understand that that work was originally scheduled for last year, but there were some reassessments of the specific needs. I know the needs have been accumulated; the school has been adding grades on both ends. I think preschool classes have been added as well as Grade 7 and Grade 8 this year. So there is an obvious need.

When can we expect this work? I think the kids are out of school next month. Are we on the ground next month in getting this work done for the fall? Thank...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 4th Session (day 27)

I appreciate the Minister’s comments. I disagree, though, that we should be spending the money in this way when I think the Minister is well aware that we need to be recycling more and more things. We’ve had a request and a commitment from the Minister to add all kinds of things to the things and to list of things that we are recycling that have not been done. To my mind, and I know to much of the public, that is the way we should be going with those funds that they have paid for recycling.

Another consideration, which I hear almost weekly, is that we should not be having an environmental tax...