Bob Bromley


Statements in Debates

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 5th Session (day 13)

Does committee agree?

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 5th Session (day 13)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and thanks again for that commitment. I think it would be good and I’m speaking, really, here, of the development of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategy to have a specific timeline laid out for this process. I know public consultation is difficult, especially on an issue like this. It’s important to everyone. So I think that would be helpful and highlighting where and how MLAs could have early input into the process and so on. So I think that would be useful. Thank you.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 5th Session (day 13)

Appreciation to the Minister for those comments. Obviously he’s been thinking about this. How does the Minister see this unfolding so that the public is aware of what’s going on and the process for consultation? Thank you.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 5th Session (day 13)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, your committee has been considering Bill 7, An Act to Amend the Elections and Plebiscites Act, and Tabled Document 4-16(5), Executive Summary of the Report of the Joint Review Panel for the Mackenzie Gas Project, and would like to report that Bill 7 is ready for third reading. Mr. Speaker, I move that the report of Committee of the Whole be concurred with.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 5th Session (day 13)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I don’t think there’s any question that we’ll be collecting those. We’ve already had people down at the big…or the Juno awards or the Oscar awards, filmmakers down there from Yellowknife. We’re well on our way, and with the Minister’s support I have no doubt we’ll achieve that.

ITI’s annual publication -- my last question -- the economic review does not contain, currently, information on the value and activity of the arts and culture industry such as film and media production. I’d like to conclude here by asking the Minister if he will take steps to begin to collect the...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 5th Session (day 13)

Thank you, committee. Does committee agree that Bill 7 is ready for third reading?

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 5th Session (day 13)

I appreciate that. I also appreciate that the Minister indicated that he would work hard to incorporate the findings of this review into the business plans. That’s my interest in the time frame. Obviously those draft business plans are due in just a few short months. Timelines for the inclusion are, therefore, pretty tight. Can the Minister say what schedule he has set or will be setting for the review to be completed and allow that to happen?

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 5th Session (day 13)

Thank you, committee. We will start on page 1 with clause 1. Bill 7, An Act to Amend the Elections and Plebiscites Act, clause 1.

---Clauses 1 through 53 inclusive approved

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 5th Session (day 13)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The most urgent challenge facing our people, economy and our environment is the impact of climate change and the critical need to reduce our production of greenhouse gases. Even since the last time I spoke on this topic, new information has shown that things are getting rampantly worse. Sea ice melt is accelerating toward the prediction of an ice-free Arctic by 2030, 2020 or even sooner now. Global precipitation on land is down 40 percent. Alberta’s rivers are running at 20 to 80 percent of their normal flow. In the NWT, melting permafrost is causing higher levels of...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 5th Session (day 13)

Thank you, committee. I would like to ask the Sergeant-at-Arms to escort the witnesses into the Chamber.

Thank you. Mr. Ramsay, I would like to ask you to introduce your witnesses, please.