Bob Bromley


Statements in Debates

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 4)

Greetings. Once again we gather to address people’s priorities. The world is a different place since we last saw it in October, 2008. While the current recession brings hard times, the financial world will rebuild in just a few years. In contrast, the environmental and social deficits we are accumulating will last generations and can take hundreds of years to rebuild. Mr. Speaker, we have the opportunity to begin to do things differently. To do so, we need good leadership and a new approach that will communicate and serve the best of our basic human values.

Mr. Speaker, a good government and...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 4)

I hope that will be part of the discussion, because I think there are still a lot of opportunities to be mined there. Finally, I guess, will the Minister commit to following, as a review process, the model that was used in the review of the Income Support Program, which was a highly successful public consultation process?

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 3)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I appreciate those comments from the Minister. This, again, is a very serious issue.

I’d just like to note that the Yukon will be holding round table meetings with various associations, such as the Chamber of Commerce, the Association of Yukon Communities and so on, so it’s not just an internal process. Will the Premier commit to including a public process where our residents can participate in a response to this situation as required?

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 3)

Mr. Speaker, given the situation that we are becoming more and more reliant on the export economy — diamonds and oil and gas — what’s the expectation of the Premier, having heard the situation on the market again this morning getting quite serious: global concerns and national concerns about recession…? What’s the expectation in terms of the diamond industry and the oil and gas industry for the Northwest Territories?

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 3)

My question is for the Minister of Public Works and Services.

What have been the costs of the resupply of fuel this year by community, and what is the cost per litre by fuel type for each community?

Are there still communities to be supplied, and if so has the fuel already been purchased and at what cost per litre by fuel type for each community?

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 3)

Once again, these are people that have thoughts and feelings about their employment. It is something we really want to take advantage of and address so we can improve our service to the public. One of the things they mentioned is the opportunity for a GNWT blog, where employees can log on and register their complaints and so on. What is the opportunity for anonymous contributions in order to protect these employees and enable them to make these comments and ensure we get a thorough assessment?

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 3)

My question is for the Minister of Human Resources, following up on my Member’s statement today. As I mentioned, I’ve become affected by the disillusionment and disappointment shown by a lot of our young people — our summer employees, our casual employees, our new employees — and they’re lamenting the waste that they see.

I know the Minister made a statement the other day that they’re embarking on a comprehensive human resource strategic plan, which I’m very happy to hear. How is the department going to ensure that all employees have input, specifically these new and potentially long term...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 3)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today I would like to address the conditions and opportunities this government needs to consider to become, once again, an employer of choice.

The job market in Canada is changing rapidly. This government needs to make some progressive changes if it intends to remain competitive in attracting and retaining well educated and motivated individuals. Over the next ten years a large percentage of Canada’s workforce is going into retirement, and this is driving up wages for educated and skilled entry level employees. We cannot simply rely on higher wages to attract employees...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 3)

Thank you for those comments from the Premier. I know that our public is acutely aware of this issue and also acutely concerned.

We apparently purchased fuel near the peak of the cost — the bump we went through — to resupply our communities. There’s a potential for some serious downturns in our industries. Will this government be preparing a thorough update and response to this, at least for discussion in the business plans or certainly at our next session?

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 3)

Mr. Speaker, my question is for the Premier. It’s on the condition of our economy and what the potential for problems might be in the Northwest Territories.

I know the Premier did not attend the national round table of Premiers and leaders, but it’s recently been announced that the Yukon is taking action to at least monitor the situation. They are developing a round table themselves, for that jurisdiction, to give them an early alert and try and come up with some solutions. What is this government doing to monitor this situation and come up with a plan before it’s too late?