Bob Bromley


Statements in Debates

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 19)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. I’d like to propose a motion.

Mr. Chair, I move that this committee strongly recommend that the government take immediate action to reinstate funding in the amount of $85,000 for the proposed reduction and contributions to communities for Community Justice activities under the Department of Justice and under the Community Justice and Corrections Activity.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 19)

Mr. Chair, just a question on that, then: are these yet again new federal dollars, but we’ve developed this budget assuming that there would be no new federal dollars? Are these dollars that were not expected?

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 19)

Mr. Chair, I’m afraid I’m not comfortable putting a lot of weight to the Minister’s remarks. I’m aware that there is a request for proposal out currently by the department, closing on the 20th of June, for the delivery of healing and learning programs in Corrections. This is clear evidence that there is a recognition, at some level, for the need for more effective programming, and healing programming specifically, which is what we’re talking about here. Can the Minister explain this incongruity to me?

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 19)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. My questions are about the elimination of the Sex Offender Relapse Prevention Program and the Family Violence Prevention Program at the North Slave Correctional Centre, programs delivered to men who have been convicted of these offences.

I think it’s common knowledge to most of us that the incidence of sex offences in the Northwest Territories is extremely high, second only to Nunavut. Our rate is averaging well over five times the rate in Canada. In fact, we had 156 offences in 2006, which on a rate per 1,000 people is extremely, extremely high.

This program is a vital...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 19)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I want to clearly state my support for the government’s decision to move forward with the construction of the Aven Cottage Territorial Dementia Centre.

I also want to acknowledge the excellent work of a group of volunteers who serve on the board of the Yellowknife Association of Concerned Citizens for Seniors, YACCS. They have given freely of their considerable experience, knowledge and time to bring this much-needed centre and other facilities to reality. Our government is providing $15 million in capital funding for the centre. Additional fundraising is being done to...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 19)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. Very briefly, I want to back up my colleague with additional remarks there.

In this government we developed a capacity, a community capacity. I think that's an agreed-on priority and way of operating in the North. But it requires consistency over time. I think that's recognized.

It would be nice to know, with these federal dollars, of course — had we been talking about them — how long they’re established for and so on, because I don’t want to see us undermining our capacity and that of the communities for a one-time federal program that might last two years and then...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 19)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. This government is supposedly about prevention. One of our goals is sustainable, vibrant and safe communities. One of our priorities is a focus on prevention by promoting healthy choices and lifestyles.

The lack of a coordinator, as was recently discussed, has not helped the situation. The communities are in a situation where they need some help. There are some obvious community capacity challenges. There is clearly an unequal distribution of income across the North, with our smaller communities especially — some of the areas where these dollars are most effectively spent...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 19)

When did we learn about these dollars? Did I hear that this was not a contract, that in fact they’re expecting staff we already have on board to do this work?

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 19)

Thank you to the Minister for that clarification. How is it that we’re putting out contracts when we have affected employees in this very area of concern with expertise and that could easily assume these responsibilities and save the costs associated with contract administration, et cetera? Where is the staff retention policy on this? I know this is not a question for this Minister, but it is certainly a question for this government.

There are two tracks here, and they’re completely missing each other. Why did the Minister not put this together, connect these dots, and avoid the trauma of these...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 19)

Mr. Chair, I’m assuming that means the remaining staff will shoulder the workload of the two staff that are being cut, the two staff that currently deliver these sex offender programs. I highly suspect that other staff that already — I would assume — have lots of other responsibilities won't be able to efficiently deliver these programs — efficiently and effectively. Again, it’s clear that the people of the Northwest Territories — and, certainly, people on this side of the House — believe that more programming is needed rather than less.

I’d like to know how the department has concluded that...