Bob Bromley


Statements in Debates

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 9)

Mr. Speaker, thank you to the Minister for that response. I’m well aware of the Minister’s personal interest in this issue — and appropriately so, of course.

I would also like to know if the government will look into bringing gender-based analysis in on all of the legislation that we contemplate, as well, as a routine matter?

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 9)

I’d like to recognize Miss Amanda Mallon in the audience today. Miss Mallon is president of the NWT Teachers’ Association and, I believe, also a member on the board of directors for the Canadian Teachers Federation.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 9)

Mr. Speaker, women make up 48 per cent of our population, yet they are way under-represented in elected positions, government and industry. While industrial development changes social conditions in the N.W.T., women bear the brunt of the stresses and tensions that take place.

We have an opportunity to take a preventative approach that will reduce these stresses and the long-term costs associated with them.

Women typically have primary responsibility for family and often for community and cultural wellness. Thus, their priority concerns for health and social safety, security, education and social...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 9)

Mr. Chairman, I noticed we have at least three school boilers being replaced at a cost of $2 million. There’s some energy efficiency in there that’s going to save, hopefully, fuel and greenhouse gas emissions and reduce our operational costs. I’m wondering whether or not we’ve looked at pellet boilers, given that we’ve got some examples of great savings.

I’d like to point out, in the most recent example, Sir John Franklin High School, right here in Yellowknife, in the most recent contract, they were paying $1.07 a litre. They are now purchasing heat or will shortly be purchasing heat at $0.80 a...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 9)

I also would be interested in that information, but I’d be even more interested in the number of attempted break-ins into the jail facility.

This is certainly an expenditure that could be postponed, at least, if not deleted. My understanding is that the people who are incarcerated are those with sentences of less than two years, so I don’t think we are dealing with maximum security or anything like that. I have to agree with my colleague Mr. Ramsay. In a long-term sense it might be something to think about, but given our fiscal situation, I would have trouble supporting this.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 9)

Certainly I recognize the truth of what the Minister says. It does not address the opportunities we have, though. Of course, we need to be really progressive about this and stop this cycle somewhere. Obviously things are needed, but there are also huge opportunities to do things differently. Again, I say this as much for economic reasons, recognizing our financial situation as much or more than the environmental situation.

There’s an opportunity I see here for win-win. Again, I think, having looked at how quickly these things can be done, it can happen within the lifetime of this Assembly in...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 9)

Thank you again to the Minister on that. It’s good to hear that there has been a lot of work done. I’m looking forward to hearing the results of that. I think we are early in our four-year term. It would be great to see this put in place as early as possible so that it could become a routine part. We’ve got lots of legislation, I’m sure, that we’re contemplating. So thank you for that response.

Of course, following the formula, when might the Minister get back to me with the details on that?

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 9)

Mr. Speaker, we face many challenges getting women’s voices to the table because of the way we have set up our society of the day. We have some opportunities to do that a little better in this government. I’d like to ask the Minister Responsible for the Status of Women: does this government have a policy in place that ensures that a gender lens is brought to the development of public policy?

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 9)

Will this Assembly put gender on the table by recognizing women’s central and equal role in society? We need to adopt gender-based analysis as part of our routine decision and policy making.

For prevention and real progress on real issues, let’s choose to do things differently, and let’s start now. Quana, thank you.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 9)

Mr. Chairman, that is excellent news about Behchoko and Chief Jimmy Bruneau. It will be great for our youth to be exposed to this. I really hope that we can put some extra effort into establishing these in the regional centres, at least.

I’d like to point out that both Fort Simpson and Behchoko are closer than Yellowknife to the source of the pellets. And in fact, Fort Simpson is closer to a high-BTU pellet and, in fact, considerably cheaper than Yellowknife pays. But I’ll take those comments, and thank you very much again just highlighting the need to be really progressive there for big...