Bob McLeod
Statements in Debates
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. We would like to fund all of the requests, but we have a finite level of resources and we are going to the main estimates process. We will also be rolling out a number of strategies that pertain to social programs, such as the Early Childhood Development Framework, the Northwest Territories Anti-Poverty Strategy, the Minister’s Forum on Addictions and Mental Health recommendations, Economic Opportunities Strategy, Mineral Development Strategy, the Land Use and Sustainability Framework. So we’ll be rolling out all of those frameworks as well.
So I can commit to the Member...
It sounds like the Member is focusing only on the NGO Stabilization Fund when the NGO Stabilization Fund is just a fund to top up funding to NGOs that provide essential services for the Government of the Northwest Territories.
We have a third-party accountability framework, which is called Excellence Through Partnerships, and I think that is more appropriate to the line of questioning that you are taking. We have three categories of NGOs and I am sure that when we review it, if we get more specifics as to how or why you think land claims organizations should be funded by this government as an...
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The Member is correct; we reviewed the NGO Stabilization Fund to clarify which types of NGOs were eligible to apply and also to respond faster, to process the applications faster and flow the money out on a much faster basis. We were able to do that. This year we have had 14 applications. Thank you.
Obviously, we want communities in the rural and small communities to have a similar quality of life to other communities in the Northwest Territories. I’ve always said that one shouldn’t be penalized because of where they live, so we would endeavour to try to work in that regard.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. In the last Assembly we were operating under a very severe fiscal situation and at that time the government of the day foresaw that there was going to be a very severe economic downturn. So when the Assembly started, the government of the day decided that we would cut programs, so that we could take that money that we obtained by cutting programs. I think we had a target of about $132 million and that money, in turn, was used to make funding available to a number of different committees. I think we were about to cut about $65 million in programs and that’s where the $5...
We do have a process and we have a main estimates process, and I also listed off a number of strategies and frameworks that will affect the social programs and NGOs. As we go forward, we have finite resources. We will develop action plans for all those strategies, and as part of that, this request will be part of that mix.
I think the answer speaks for itself. It’s a stabilization fund. It’s to help organizations that provide essential services to the Government of the Northwest Territories. It’s to help them to provide more structure and improve their capacity. It’s not continuous core funding. I would expect that over a period of time these organizations would develop capacity that they can function without additional funding from the NGO Stabilization Fund.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I give notice that on Wednesday, June 5, 2013, I will move the following motion: Now therefore I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Hay River South, that this Legislative Assembly express its support for the approval of the Northwest Territories Lands and Resources Devolution Agreement.
Mr. Speaker, the 17th Legislative Assembly has a vision of a territory where strong individuals, families and communities share in the benefits and responsibilities of a unified, environmentally sustainable and prosperous territory.
The path to that vision has its obstacles and challenges. Now, as Northerners, we do not shy away from challenges. Our territory is built on the strength and resilience of people who have persevered and survived despite harsh climate and the sometimes harsh reality of northern living. However, there are times when the load can be lightened, the challenges met and...
Mr. Speaker, I wish to table the following four documents, entitled “NWT Lands and Resources Devolution Agreement,” “Northwest Territories Lands and Resources Devolution Agreement: A Plain Language Summary,” “Summary of Changes to Consensus Draft Devolution Agreement and Schedules Dated March 11, 2013,” and “Results of the Public Engagement on the Proposed Northwest Territories Lands and Resources Devolution Agreement.” Thank you, Mr. Speaker.