Bob McLeod

Yellowknife South

Statements in Debates

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 1st Session (day 2)

It is our intention to work with the Aboriginal leaders to find some common ground and at that point they’ll look at timelines. Thank you.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 1st Session (day 2)

Most of my colleagues that have been here before have been to all 33 communities or most of the 33 communities. I like to travel to the communities and we’ll all do everything as humanly possible to get to the communities as many times as possible.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 1st Session (day 2)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I had a very good discussion with Minister Duncan and I told him about how we, as a Caucus, had met with the Aboriginal governments, and that I had been on the phone talking to the majority of the Aboriginal government leaders and it was my intention to talk to all of them either by today or early next week. He indicated that he was prepared to come north and to meet with the Aboriginal leaders at some appropriate time in the future, so I believe that it is his intention to do so. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 1st Session (day 2)

We can develop guidelines. I think that if we commit to only going to a region when you can go to every community in the region, I think it would detract from the ability for Ministers or myself to go into a region. A lot of times you only have a day or two days there if you go into a region. If you commit, let’s say, going to the Sahtu and going to all five communities and if you have to spend six days or block off six days to be able to go there, a lot of times it’s very hard to find a block of six days to go into a region.

I think that we could agree to a guideline, but to be able to commit...

Debates of , 17th Assembly, 1st Session (day 1)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’d like to recognize constituents from Yellowknife South, Peter Vician, Don Gillis, Morven MacPherson. I can’t see everybody here, so I hope I don’t miss anybody. I see Allen Stanzell as well. I know he’ll phone me and give me heck if I don’t recognize him, so I’d like to recognize Mr. Hockey, Ed Jeske.


Debates of , 17th Assembly, 1st Session (day 1)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. First of all, I would like to commend all those who put their names forward for Premier and for Cabinet.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank my family and all my campaign workers and supporters and advisors. I was lucky enough to get 100 percent support, as indicated by my colleagues that got acclaimed.

I really want to thank the constituents of Yellowknife South for their support and their encouragement to put my name forward to run for Premier.

I’d like to congratulate you on being chosen to represent us as Speaker.

I want to thank all the Ministers that have...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 6th Session (day 18)

Mr. Speaker, at the beginning of this Legislative Assembly, Members clearly signalled energy policy and programming as priorities and directed this government to pursue initiatives that reduce the cost of living and, in particular, energy costs.

Our government responded by an unprecedented $60 million multi-year commitment towards energy programs and initiatives. This investment was geared toward reducing imported fossil fuels, mitigating the environmental impacts of our energy use, and reducing the cost of living in the Northwest Territories.

We reported on the results of this investment in the...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 6th Session (day 18)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’d like to recognize two Pages from Yellowknife South: Emily Thagard and Scott Stirling. Thank you for serving in the House, and also to all the Pages in the Legislative Assembly.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 6th Session (day 18)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to read this statement on behalf of the Minister of Health and Social Services who is currently attending to a personal matter.

This Assembly has heard repeatedly that the cost of delivering health and social services programs are rising and that sustainability and funding are a continued and growing issue for all jurisdictions.

We all know that the delivery of health and social services is complex. The system and the people that work within it must consistently respond appropriately to and balance the needs of individuals, families, communities and the...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 6th Session (day 18)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. First of all I’d like to recognize the Members who will not be seeking re-election. I’d like to recognize yourself, Mr. Speaker, for your work and leadership as Speaker and to say we all recognize the hard work you’ve been doing on behalf of your constituents in your role as Speaker.

I also want to recognize cousin David Krutko.


I think David has the world record for asking questions in the Legislative Assembly and Committee of the Whole. I was going to say I was going to miss his questions. On second thought, I don’t think I’ll say that. I’ll say I’ll miss his...