Bob McLeod

Yellowknife South

Statements in Debates

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 73)

Our government went through a very long consultative process and responded to what we heard. Through a review of climate change programs in Canadian jurisdictions, it was evident that the most important factors in the success of these programs were leadership and the authority to act.

Addressing climate change is a priority of this government. We have developed both a Climate Change Strategic Framework and Action Plan, which is linked to our work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the energy plan. Further, we have organized ourselves so that climate change is considered in all programs...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 73)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The Taltson project is important for many reasons and, as the Member knows, we received considerable support from the federal government to help with the development of this project and the overall business case. As we told the Prime Minister, we want to be part of the overall solution in dealing with climate change. I think that the federal government recognizes, as does our government, the potential of the project as part of the overall climate change efforts.

The reality is that remote mines make up 50 percent of our emissions profile and need to be part of the...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 72)

As the Member noted in his statement, the Arctic has been home to Indigenous people long before it was ever traversed by European explorers. The people of the Canadian Arctic are Canada's Arctic sovereignty. Therefore, the work of Indigenous governments and the Government of the Northwest Territories is supporting sovereignty on a daily basis. By working to keep the Indigenous cultures and languages of the territory vibrant, we are demonstrating sovereignty. We also demonstrate sovereignty by work to strengthen communities, build wellness, and create opportunities for prosperity. As the...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 72)

Mr. Speaker, I would like to welcome all Members back to the continuation of the third session of the 18th Legislative Assembly. As we near the end of our term, our government continues to focus on advancing the priorities of the Assembly and fulfilling remaining mandate items. These are intended to help create a better future for all residents of the Northwest Territories, including the advancement of outstanding claims and self-government negotiations.

For almost four years, Mr. Speaker, our government has put a great deal of effort into raising the profile of the Northwest Territories at the...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 72)

Yes, we are committed to holding Cabinet open houses in each riding, and we will work with the Member to ensure these take place before the end of the 18th Assembly. I would be pleased to have all three levels of government present in his riding if the Member for Nunakput would like to invite the Member of Parliament and the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation into his riding at the same time as the Cabinet open house. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 72)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. As the Member has raised and I spoke to in my statement, Canada needs to take action in the Arctic, and our governments and people lead this dialogue. The best way for Canada to show its commitment to its Arctic is through significant investment in its people, economies, science, and infrastructure. I have been clear to the federal government about the need for this investment. I have been clear that northern voices need to be heard. I have also specifically spoken to the need for investment in support of the safety and security of our borders and people.

I am pleased to...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 72)

Mr. Speaker, I have two Minister's statements, one short and one longer.

Mr. Speaker, I wish to advise Members that the Honourable Glen Abernethy will be absent from the House today to attend the Seniors' FPT meetings in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 69)

This MOU will formalize our government-to-government relationship and provide an opportunity for the Government of the Northwest Territories and Deline Got'ine Government leadership to meet and discuss issues of mutual concern and interests. We have found that this is an excellent forum to do so. There is, however, ongoing work with Deline Got'ine that is occurring.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 69)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The Government of the Northwest Territories and Deline Got'ine Government officials have been working closely and are currently finalizing a draft MOU. Officials will be meeting this month to conclude that draft agreement with the Deline Got'ine Government, and we will forward it to the leaders for review. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 69)

Right now, only Canada can provide policy direction to the boards, but I can say that the Minister responsible for Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada has agreed to start discussions for the devolution of the MVRMA processes. As you may recall, there was a five-year provision to wait to begin the review, and he has indicated he is prepared to start that review right away. Independent regional land and water boards are responsible to administer processes for both type A and type B water licence applications. Maximum timelines for water licence processes already exist under...