Brendan Bell

Yellowknife South

Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 51)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Not to my knowledge. My understanding is that initially the federal government had hoped to roll at least $3 million per territory out for this year prior to March 31st. It’s obviously quickly approaching March 31st. I don’t think that’s going to happen. I think now in the latest correspondence I have from Minister Scott he’s referring more to the $30 million and how that will flow going forward. I think that’s an encouraging sign. I don’t think this needed to be a sort of rush job at year-end to push a bunch of money out the door. I’d rather see a well thought out...

Debates of , (day 51)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The fund the Member is referring to, we’ve had discussion with DIAND about the money and how it will flow. We’re encouraging DIAND to quickly determine what criteria will be used to evaluate proposals that come forward. We have had a lot of people in the territory interested in discussion how they might access some of this money. At this point we’re referring people to DIAND. They are controlling the money and determining how the program will be rolled out. We don’t have that detail yet. We’re hoping to get it soon and it’s certainly something on my list to speak to...

Debates of , (day 50)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It’s hard for me to disagree that we shouldn’t have been able to move on this more quickly. We have seen this development coming for some time. All I can say is that we are responding now. We are moving very quickly to ensure the office in Hay River is up and running by the end of March. We’ve had a number of stages here in terms of trying to staff. We went northern first. We didn’t get the kind of response we thought we might get, but we are looking for some very specific technical positions. We have broadened the search to include southern Canada. I understand we...

Debates of , (day 50)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The Member mentioned the Joint Cabinet/AOC Pipeline Planning Committee. Underneath that, obviously, is the Deputy Ministers’ Planning Committee and that committee will oversee the work of the MVPO, which will coordinate the work of the various departments. I agree with the Member, we are probably talking over 20 positions. I don’t have that information handy. I think one of the difficulties is that there may not be dedicated positions in all the departments, but there are portions of positions that are used for this aspect of Mackenzie Valley development, probably...

Debates of , (day 50)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I didn’t have any detailed discussions of a model of that nature. That’s not to say that they weren’t going on in our department or other departments as this planning was underway. Recommendations came to me for the creation of this Mackenzie Valley pipeline office. Admittedly, I think we have said before, this really comprises our first phase response in terms of resource oil and gas development. This isn’t it. We do need to work to ensure that we are adequately resourced up and down the valley. I guess the real flashpoint of where we need to quickly get some...

Debates of , (day 50)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. First, let me say that Mr. Ramsay asked a very similar question about a week ago in budget deliberations. Certainly I owe Members on that side of the House a full accounting of the supplementary appropriation and where it was proposed to be spent. I will get that detailed accounting to Members as quickly as I can.

Generally, I would say we have about a $2 million a year budget proposed. I know that in 2004-05, the year in question when the supplementary appropriations were approved, we were looking at $925,000 in contributions. That’s roughly half the budget. I think...

Debates of , (day 49)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I don’t think we have had a discussion about a specific forum only for the trapping industry at this point, but we have been involved in financially supporting and helping a group through our regional staff and have provided money to a group that was interested in conducting an oil and gas workshop in the region. We have been talking about prospective dates. I don’t have the latest information at my fingertips in terms of the dates that we have identified, but we are obviously providing support already to that and will continue to do so. I will pass on the thoughts...

Debates of , (day 49)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I think our most effective tools for consulting with trappers and people who use this activity for their sustenance is our renewable resource personnel in the regions and in the communities. I have had discussions in the Member’s riding on our most recent trip to Norman Wells with the regional office. They were certainly encouraged. Obviously the price of furs; this winter we have had indicated that numbers were up and things were looking good. But they have ongoing discussions with trappers in terms of discussing their needs, their thoughts on the season and the...

Debates of , (day 49)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. We haven’t had any of that type of discussion because we are really not there yet. I want to give the assurance to everybody out there listening, we are not talking at this point about a reduction in tags. So I think it’s premature to start talking about what we do if the industry fails. We are not there. I want to give that assurance. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 49)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. We are going to sit down now and talk to the planning committee that put this document together about the next steps forward in terms of public consultation. Obviously we have had many discussions. The groups involved with the planning committee are those charged with management of the herd, but there are many more stakeholders who have an interest in the management of caribou and need to be consulted. We need to have that discussion with them prior to anything taking place in terms of changes to the plan or, as I have indicated before, adoption of the plan. None of...