Calvin Pokiak
Statements in Debates
Pages 2-32 and 2-33, executive offices, active positions.
Thank you, Mr. Braden. Mr. Handley.
They are just handing out the motion right now. Are there any questions? Mr. Braden.
Thank you, Mr. Handley. Mr. Villeneuve.
Does the committee agree that the consideration of the department estimates is concluded?
Can the Sergeant-at-Arms please escort the witnesses in? Thank you.
Thank you. Mr. Handley, can you introduce your witnesses, please?
Page 2-43, information item, lease commitments - infrastructure.
Page 2-29, executive offices, operations expenditure summary, $4.685 million. Mr. Villeneuve.
Page 2-2, department summary, infrastructure investment summary, total net book value and work in progress, $3.386 million.
Thank you, Mr. Hawkins. Would you like to call in your witnesses, Mr. Premier?