Calvin Pokiak


Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 47)

Thank you, Mr. Yakeleya. Mr. Krutko.

Debates of , (day 47)

Thank you, Mr. Krutko. Mr. Villeneuve.

Debates of , (day 47)

Thank you, Mr. Krutko. Mr. Hawkins.

Debates of , (day 47)

Thank you, Mr. Krutko. Next I have Mr. Hawkins.

Debates of , (day 44)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This being Education Week, I would like to wish all educators, parents and students success this week and through the end of the school year.

Mr. Speaker, on Monday, February 21, 2005, I was fortunate to attend the opening of the Akaitcho Technical and Trade Centre in Yellowknife. Although I did not have the time to tour the facilities that afternoon, a quick visual look at the classrooms was very impressive.

Mr. Speaker, larger centres, such as Yellowknife, are fortunate to have corporate sponsorship in donations to facilities such as the Akaitcho Trades and Technical...

Debates of , (day 43)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Just for the record, I'd like to ask the Minister why there's nothing allocated there for the Mangilaluk School. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Debates of , (day 43)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. We talked a bit about the Income Support Program. Again, I go back to 2003-04, $15.717 million. The main estimates for 2004-05 was $17.956 million and after the revised 2004-05, it was $18.056 million. Can the Minister give us a breakdown on the regions on income support assistance? Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Debates of , (day 43)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I would like more information with regard to the apprenticeship and employment training. I would like to refer to page 9-26. In 2003-04, they had $4.112 million. In 2004-05, they had $4.847 million. In the 2004-05 revised estimates, it was $4.847 million. There is probably about a $735,000 increase from 2003-04 to 2004-05. Is that because of numbers going up in terms of training at that time? Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Debates of , (day 43)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Just a couple of comments on this page here, with regard to the apprenticeship training, also. One of the things during my campaign, I was hoping, with regard to apprenticeship training, that we would utilize one of the base camps in Tuktoyaktuk and the people back home really liked that idea rather than flying to Inuvik. I know, earlier this year, I was going to make a presentation to the Aurora College Board of Governors, but apparently they cancelled that. I had a bunch of numbers for them to look at, but they’ve postponed that to a later time this month. I will...

Debates of , (day 43)

Thanks, Mr. Chairman. I'm satisfied with that; I just wanted to put it on record. Thank you.