Calvin Pokiak


Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 26)

Thank you. There is a motion on the floor to report progress. The motion is not debatable. All those in favour? Opposed? The motion is carried.


I will now rise and report progress. I would like to thank the Honourable Floyd Roland, Minister responsible for FMBS; and also Lew Voytilla.

Debates of , (day 26)

Thank you, Madam Chair. Just one quick question with regard to the fire, the aftermath of the fire. I’m just wondering, Madam Chair, if the Minister can explain what kind of security was brought in after the collapse of the foyer. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 26)

Thank you, Mr. Roland. Ms. Lee.

Debates of , (day 26)

Total department not previously authorized, $215,000.

Debates of , (day 26)

Thank you, Ms. Lee. Mr. Roland.

Debates of , (day 26)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, today I rise in this House to speak of some people in my riding. First, I would like to send my condolences to the families of an elderly woman, Mrs. Mona Wolki of Paulatuk who passed away peacefully earlier this week. I understand the funeral will be held this afternoon. My prayers are with the families of the late Mona Wolki.

I would also like to send birthday greetings to Mrs. Persis Gruben of Tuktoyaktuk who turned 86 years young on October 20, 2004.

Finally, Mr. Speaker, I would like to send a very special birthday greeting to my son, Darren John...

Debates of , (day 26)

Thank you, Mr. Roland. Ms. Lee.

Debates of , (day 26)

Thank you, Mr. Roland. Forest management, special warrants, $4.651 million.

Debates of , (day 26)

Thank you, Ms. Lee. Mr. Roland.

Debates of , (day 26)

Ms. Lee.