Charles Dent

Frame Lake

Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 22)

Mr. Chairman, the new Cities, Towns and Villages Act gives specific authorities to the Town of Norman Wells that would mean that they don’t need to have in place the Norman Wells Natural Gas Distribution System Act any longer. So they can pass this kind of bylaw under the CTV act.

Debates of , (day 22)

Mr. Chairman, perhaps I could get Mr. Menicoche to restate the question and confirm that we are on clause 6.

Debates of , (day 22)

Yes, Mr. Chairman, please.

Debates of , (day 21)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The review was requested by the department and the report will be delivered to the department. So, no, it wouldn’t fall under another Minister’s responsibility. I am quite prepared to meet with the committee and discuss with the standing committee the terms of reference for the review. We will do that at their convenience. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , (day 21)

Mr. Speaker, that is, in fact, not right. Our guidelines and policies are more generous than any other jurisdiction in Canada. I have sat down with the Standing Committee on Social Programs and have run through our program in considerable detail to show just that. I would be happy to continue my work with the Standing Committee on Social Programs. They have had this presentation. I would be happy to offer it to other standing committees, if they are interested, and would certainly be prepared to demonstrate that we have a good program in the Northwest Territories. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , (day 21)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. As I said in response to Mr. Braden earlier, the issue of reviewing guidelines for the program is one that is open at all times. If a Member comes to me and says here is what I see as a problem, I will take a look at it, I will discuss it with personnel in the department and we will get back to the Member as to whether or not we will consider revising the guidelines. I will also discuss them with the standing committee. It’s this House that has to ultimately agree to any changes in guidelines, because when I change the guidelines, or when we change the guidelines...

Debates of , (day 21)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, our income support workers undergo regular training, they have a number of occasions a year in which they are provided with information to make sure that they can pass this on to their clients. If the Member has a concern about a particular community, I hope that he will come and talk to me about it and we will address that as quickly as we can. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , (day 21)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, this House helps me set the policies for Income Support, and I would have to work with Members in this House to review the policy if that is the will. I am quite prepared to embark on that initiative. I have, in fact, started some of that work with the standing committee; it started some time ago. The Standing Committee on Social Programs and I have met several times to talk about the policies, the underpinnings for the program and how it is delivered.

I think one of the things we have to first of all decide is, is this program an entitlement? Right now...

Debates of , (day 21)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I think it does right now. I think our system does accommodate differences, but there has to be a policy base for all that we do.

Ten years ago the policy was…For instance, the Seniors' Fuel Subsidy was a universal program. Everybody in the Northwest Territories who was a senior got the program, no matter what their income was or whether they needed it. This Legislative Assembly made a policy change to say that government funds would only be provided to assist seniors for fuel when there was fiscal need, and set the standards then for that fiscal need. There are...

Debates of , (day 21)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The Member had asked for specific examples. What the Department of Education, Culture and Employment is endeavouring to do is reduce the numbers of advances that are given out and the amounts. While recognizing that they’re still necessary, there’s an attempt to limit the amount that is outstanding at any one time, and to that way improve on the requirement for accounting to be delivered before we advance further funds.