Charles Dent

Frame Lake

Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 43)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I believe I was going to do a Minister's statement on this issue on Monday, but the answer is we will be launching the consultation process very soon, with advertisements in the newspapers and we will have a web site available for people. As well, we will go out and do focus group consultations and there will also be some direct mail-out, to people that we know are stakeholders, to solicit their input. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 43)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The fire marshal has issued an order that will see the building closed fairly soon, within the next year. So the Member is right; we have to look at new space. There is going to be a meeting on Monday with Public Works and territorial ECE staff to take a look at planning the consultation process to figure out what to do. The issue that we are going to have is going to be that there are some non-government agencies in that space now that wouldn’t normally be in government space and that we can’t plan to provide government space for in the future. So that is going to...

Debates of , (day 43)

Thank you. First, Madam Chair, yes, we will get the information Mr. Ramsay has requested that I couldn’t give today. In terms of the graduation rate, I can’t disagree that we need a better graduation rate. I can’t disagree that the Member early on in his comments, talked about how the changes in the mid-90s to the funding for schools has impacted on courses like industrial arts. There’s no question that’s absolutely true. We have, over the past few years, put money back into funding the schools, but back in the early to mid-90s the pupil/teacher ratio in the Territories was, I believe, just...

Debates of , (day 43)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. We raised the rates in 2004. There is a survey done every two years, in conjunction with the Audit Bureau, and we typically try to raise the rates or change the rates as they need to reflect the cost of living in different communities.

Debates of , (day 43)

Thank you. Mr. Chairman, we don’t have with us the detail for the year 2003-04, so I can’t answer right now the Member’s question. I can promise that we will get the information for the Member by tomorrow, but I can’t tell him right now.

Debates of , (day 43)

Madam Chair, I don’t have a clue. Sorry. I can’t answer that question. I can try to get the information for the Member, but it’s not a statistic that we would keep.

Debates of , (day 43)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Just today I got an e-mail message from an MLA who said a constituent of theirs who is disabled and has lived in another jurisdiction commented to them that ours is probably the best system in Canada for disabled people, in terms of supports.

I think we need to be careful not to say that people with challenges, whether they are physical or intellectual, all want to be treated differently. I think a lot of people feel that they are able to participate and want to be treated like others, so each person is an individual. We have people who you might call severely disabled...

Debates of , (day 43)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Perhaps I will just deal with the Member's last question first, where he is talking about the $700,000. Just so that he doesn’t think that I manage to keep any of it between my front and my back pocket, that money is all going to Alberta. That is what they are charging us to use their Alberta achievement tests, which is the test that we are using in grades 3, 6 and 9. They have started charging us now for using their Grade 12 tests. Not one penny of those dollars is sticking in my pockets, with this Assembly passing it on to Alberta. Just so you know.

In terms of...

Debates of , (day 43)

Thank you, Madam Chair. The GNWT will contribute a minimum of $1.5 million each year, for the next four years, to meet our partnership requirements. That money includes both mining and oil and gas. So that’s the total each year for mining and oil and gas.

Debates of , (day 43)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. We could certainly work on finding that information. This is very similar to the written question submitted by Mr. Villeneuve. He asked for some of the exact same information and some more detailed questions as well. So we are working on putting that together. All of the information will be provided to the House relatively soon.