Daryl Dolynny
Statements in Debates
I’m going to leave that one and ask the department, at their convenience, to maybe let the Member know what those calculations are after this process. I have to get a handle on that number. I’m sorry. The explanation I’m getting here today is just not entirely giving me the clear picture of what’s going on, and I’ve got a couple nods on this side of the House as well. Maybe I’d ask if they could share that with all Members here.
My second question on this page, 7-8, refers in the large capital projects category, we’ve got a revised estimate of $16.043 million in 2012-2013 and we’ve got a main...
Thank you, Ms. DeLancey. Mr. Bromley.
Thank you, Mr. Hawkins. Mr. Beaulieu.
Thank you, Mr. Yakeleya. Minister Beaulieu.
Thank you, Madam Chair. My questions have to do with the changes during the budget year. The line entry I refer to is assets put into service during the year. It appears that the main estimates for 2012-13 had a $16 million entry. The revised came in quite a bit higher at $27.640 million and we’re going back down to the 2013 Main Estimates at $12.552 million. If I could just maybe ask the department to give me a bit of a narrative as to what transpired in this and why do we think that the main estimates are accurate. Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Bromley. For that response we’ll go to Minister Beaulieu.
Yes. I’ll repeat that again. Page 8-36, Health and Social Services, information item, lease commitments - infrastructure.
Thank you, Minister Beaulieu. Ms. DeLancey.
This concludes the Department of Health and Social Services for today. We would like to thank our witnesses, Ms. DeLancey and Ms. Mathison. Thank you for your efforts. Also to the Minister. Sergeant-at-Arms, if you could please escort the witnesses out of the Chamber. We will start Public Works and Services but we will take a short recess.
Thank you, Mr. Beaulieu. Ms. DeLancey.