David Krutko
Statements in Debates
Can we move to page 5, Education, Culture and Employment, education and culture, not previously authorized, $9.709 million.
General comments. Next I have Ms. Bisaro and then Mrs. Groenewegen. Ms. Bisaro.
Mr. Chair, again, I think this process is too top heavy. It’s basically run out of Yellowknife. I think that you have to start doing workshops and having these meetings in the communities. I know in the Mackenzie Delta we have been requesting having a water conference and we have been talking about the Peel River watershed. There’s a major effort being made between the Yukon government and the Gwich’in Tribal Council to develop a land use plan for the Peel River watershed. Again, that’s another government in another jurisdiction and we seem to have a better relationship with the Yukon...
Sergeant-at-Arms, please escort the witnesses in.
For the record, Mr. Minister, can you introduce your witness.
Thank you, Minister. Welcome, witness. Any general comments in regard to the supplementary appropriation bill? Mr. Ramsay.
Thank you, Mr. Minister. At this time I’d like to ask the Minister if he’ll be bringing in any witnesses.
I, too, like my colleague Mr. Bromley, can’t support this on the basis of I don’t think we’re doing justice to the people of the Northwest Territories by going ahead and not having the resources to try to get people together and find resolution to this outstanding issue. I’ll leave it at that.
Tabled Document 53 is now concluded.
As we agreed, we are now dealing with Tabled Document 54-16(6), Supplementary Estimates (Operations Expenditures), No. 2, 2011-2012. At this time I’d like to ask the Minister if he has any opening comments. The Minister of Finance, Mr. Miltenberger.
Okay, with that, we’ll take a short break and then begin with Tabled Documents 53 and 54.
Again I do have concerns with the words “implementation activities related to the devolution.” Usually you do the implementation after you have a final agreement so that you know what the final elements are of the agreement and then you do the implementation. I find it kind of odd that we’re funding an implementation of an agreement that isn’t final.
I’d like to know how much of these dollars are going to be expended for implementation. How much staff are we talking about to implement something that’s not final? Especially when we’re kind of tight in regard to the cash flow of this government...