David Krutko
Statements in Debates
Any abstentions? The motion is defeated. Seven in favour of the motion, ten against, no abstentions.
Committee motion not carried.
We’re dealing with Justice, appropriations authority required: $1,610,000.
Justice, $1,610 million, approved.
To the motion. Premier Roland.
Mr. Speaker, I give notice that on Wednesday, February 20, 2008, I will move the following motion:
Now therefore, I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Nahendeh, that this Legislative Assembly strongly recommend that the government initiate the necessary policy changes and bring forward the necessary legislative amendments to make possible the consideration of levelized power rates for the Northwest Territories at the time of the NWT Power Corporation's next general rate application; and furthermore, that this Legislative Assembly strongly recommend that these legislative amendments...
A request was made for a recorded vote. All those in favour, please rise.
To the motion.
Mr. Speaker, in regard to the adoption process, I mentioned to the Minister that a lot of times children are taken away from their home community, from their immediate family, and moved elsewhere. I’d like to ask the Minister: is there a program in place to reunite the children with their families, say at Christmas, Easter, summer, whatnot? Also, who pays for that cost of bringing these families back together during special occasions of the year like Christmas, Easter, summer holidays, whatnot? A lot of times I get that question asked by grandparents wanting to see their grandchildren. Again...
Motion is being distributed. Motion is in order. To the motion. Mr. Ramsay.
Health and Social Services, appropriation authority required: $27,562,000.
Mr. Speaker, my question is to the Minister of Health and Social Services. It’s in regard to the length of time that these custom adoption processes are taking.
Has her department looked at the possibility of doing a review on the program to find out where the barriers are or why the process is taking so long? Has the Minister directed her department to look at the possibility of finding out, of streamlining this process so that it doesn’t take as long as it does now, where it’s taking a year and a half to approve an application?
The vote is eight to eight. Since the Chair gets to make the deciding vote, I vote against the motion to allow due process. You will have another opportunity to make this motion at another time.
Committee motion not carried.