David Krutko
Statements in Debates
Agreed. Mrs. Groenewegen.
Mr. Speaker, as we all know, the indigenous people of the Northwest Territories, especially the ones with treaty rights, basically have a fundamental right spelled out in Treaty 8, modern day treaties and also under Section 35 of the Canadian Constitution. Mr. Speaker, it is clearly illustrated that we have a duty to consult and include and involve them in these processes. From what is clearly stipulated, they haven’t been involved in this process. If anything, they have been alienated because of their views and the government that does not like to accommodate those views and basically remove...
Page 9-10, Justice, department summary, information item, active position summary.
Minister of Justice.
Page 1-18, information item, Office of the Speaker, active positions.
Next I have Mr. Beaulieu.
We are moving on to page 9-19, activity summary, legal aid services, operations expenditure summary. Ms. Bisaro.
We can turn back to the department summary on page 9-7. Page 9-7, Justice, department summary, operations expenditure summary, $106.206 million.
Does the committee agree we’ve concluded the Department of Health and Social Services?
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My question is directed to the Deputy Premier, Mr. Miltenberger, in regard to my comments in regard to the alienating of the treaty and the people in the Northwest Territories which make up the Treaty 8 and Treaty 11 and includes the majority of the Mackenzie Valley in the Northwest Territories. In light of that, we do have some obligations.
I’d like to ask the Deputy Premier exactly what are we doing to mend the fences to accommodate the treaty people in the Northwest Territories who basically have fundamental rights under Treaty 8, Treaty 11 and the modern day treaties...