David Krutko

Mackenzie Delta

Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 13)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, we do use existing contracting guidelines. We follow the BIP process. We also follow the manufacturing directive that is in place for purchasing. I mentioned in my statement that we are working with communities to build capacity. The one thing I have been doing is trying to formulate that if they have capacity or need assistance to build capacity, through the contracting process we have, we have negotiated contracts in place, we have sole source contracts, we have means that people can build that capacity and I think it’s working with communities...

Debates of , (day 13)

Mr. Speaker, the programs we have today are needs tested. They don't allow all residents to have access to our programs, and I think that's why we are looking at changing that. We are developing energy plans and whatnot that we're putting in place. But more importantly, we realize we do have to change the programs and services we do deliver, working with other departments to look at this by way of looking at the energy we use but, more importantly, by consolidating, changing the criteria we have in our program. So we are looking at that by the way of the consolidation of programs. Thank...

Debates of , (day 13)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'd just like to thank the Member for her question, because I think it's important that we do look at new initiatives and make sure we're able to assist residents to bring down the cost of operating and maintaining a home, but I think it's important we change the method. I think one of the best programs I've seen today, especially where people depend on the Fuel Subsidy Program, we have a program where we assist seniors by putting monitor heaters in their homes as a secondary heat source, which they're able to sustain the fuel that they do get through the subsidy...

Debates of , (day 13)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the program is broken down into two areas. We are looking at replacing about 50 percent of those units with the public housing stock we have. But also we are looking at a homeownership component, which is the Supported Lease Program, which is for eligible clients in those communities to get to be homeowners. But again it's application-based for those families in those communities that would like to get into homeownership. Again, it’s for those people that we feel can sustain themselves in that type of a housing setting. Again, it is through an...

Debates of , (day 12)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, we are looking at the whole area of who do we calculate rent from gross income versus another system that we use looking at the…I think it’s important that whatever we do we are going to have to…Any rent that we change we have to ensure that we follow the tenants act that is in place by notifying our clients that there is going to be a change, and also whatever we do here has to conform with how we are able to not only look at the policies that we have within the government, but also ensuring that we have a system that’s working in conjunction with other...

Debates of , (day 12)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the department is looking at the rental rate review in which we are hoping to have something come forward in conjunction with what’s happening with the transfer of the social housing subsidy and also realizing that we do have to be open, transparent and fair to all our clients across the territory. So we are looking at it in conjunction of a universal review of the whole program throughout the territory. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 12)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, in conjunction with ECE and ourselves in regards to how we are laying out the whole idea of the household subsidy and also looking at the whole rental scale systems that we use, I think we are looking at arrangements that have been done in Nunavut, other places in the country, and also realizing that we are similar in nature to other jurisdictions. Seeing what’s happening in those other jurisdictions and ensuring that we have a system that is either consistent with other jurisdictions, but it’s fair to our tenants and the residents in the Northwest...

Debates of , (day 10)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, as we all know, when there are emergencies or power outages or fires or power plants burn down, there is a backup plan in place in every community by way of the emergency measures that are in place through the municipalities, through the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs and other government agencies to ensure that we have evacuation plans in place, so when we have these instances, we are able to respond. So there is an emergency plan in place that will allow the transportation of the elders or seniors to the appropriate accommodation either...

Debates of , (day 10)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the department has looked at it in conjunction with the Power Corporation and looked at the cost of putting a generator in that facility. The Power Corporation has installed new diesel generators in the community to ensure they have a secure power base. As we all know, Behchoko has two sources of power, hydro and also it does have a backup generator system which is new. We replaced the engines in the old power plant and it should avoid the blackouts and ensure we have an adequate source of power in that community. So through those discussions between the...

Debates of , (day 10)

Mr. Speaker, as we know, a majority of the houses were constructed under federal aboriginal housing or, basically, federal housing programs in the past. The criteria for those housing dollars are that we do receive a subsidy for housing by way of $30 million. The $30 million are for the 2,300 units that we have in place to pay for the O and M costs of those units. So the Member is correct; those units are presently being funded under the federal social housing subsidy that we presently received. But I think the Members also have to realize that the subsidy is now presently declining. In...