David Krutko

Mackenzie Delta

Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 8)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, it gives me great pleasure to recognize the new president of the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation, Mr. Jeff Polakoff.


Mr. Speaker, Mr. Polakoff has experience in the Northwest Territories. He worked for the Housing Corporation in the '70s and '80s in Inuvik and here in Yellowknife. Mr. Polakoff comes from Manitoba where he served as the executive director of the Manitoba Housing Renewable Corporation and also he’s a director of housing for long-term care with the Inuvik Regional Health Authority. So with that, I’d like to welcome Jeff...

Debates of , (day 8)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, as we all know, the Minister can’t unilaterally make a policy decision that has to be ratified by Cabinet. In this case, I have to take it back to Cabinet to ensure that Cabinet agrees that I can suspend the policy or change a policy that is going to have an affect on the government by way of expenditures. We have to go through that process. As we all know, I committed to that to the Member from Yellowknife that I will suspend the policy. We are going to be having a Cabinet meeting on the 22nd. I will bring it to Cabinet at that time and see what the...

Debates of , (day 8)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to inform this House that the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation have reached agreement on an extension of the Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program, better known as RRAP, for another year. Through RRAP, the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation is able to repair northerner's homes to meet acceptable levels of health and safety.

Through this partnership, the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation will complete $460,000 in home repairs during 2006-2007. Through RRAP, the...

Debates of , (day 8)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, we are still in discussions with the Mackenzie Gas Pipeline Group with regard to the social impact benefits that we are trying to get as a government. More importantly, we also have to include the federal government by way of CMHC and see how we can get federal contributions to this project in order to make it viable. We also need the federal commitment. Those discussions are ongoing. There is a meeting coming up next week. At some point we will have to sit down and evaluate where we are at, making sure we have parties onside before we can proceed. Right...

Debates of , (day 8)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, in light of the situation, we do have to look at this policy. If that’s what the Member would like is for us to suspend this policy over the period of time…I think you have to realize that this is only unique to market. We are not seeing this problem in non-market communities. To be fair to those communities that are non-market communities, I will agree to suspend the policy in market communities to ensure that this practice does not go on.

Debates of , (day 7)

Mr. Speaker, I'll answer the last one first and go forward. The land that this project is sitting on is land that is owned by the Housing Corporation. We are contributing to this project. In regards to the numbers of units, again we are working along with the Seniors' Society in which they are also going to be putting money into this project, and also working with the community of Hay River to try to get some money through the capacity funding. But also through CMHC again, they are also involved. So at this time, we are working in conjunction with the three agencies to be able to deliver...

Debates of , (day 7)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, before we proceed with anything, we will ensure that we do consult the seniors, seniors’ society, the seniors in our community and, more importantly, that through this legislative process that we have in front of us, we will be able to bring it forward by way of committees, but also have that debate here in the House. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 7)

Mr. Speaker, as I stated, we are reviewing it through the review of our income security programs. Right now, as a government, we have decided, as Members of this House and as this government, that we are centralizing the programs that we deliver to find a fair mechanism to all people regardless if they live in their own home or are in social housing. Because of the inequities of our programs and services, we want to ensure that everybody is treated fairly. So we are presently going through that process. Once basically there is a review done, the Minister of Education will be coming back to...

Debates of , (day 7)

Mr. Speaker, everyone knows that this land has been designated for seniors' housing in Hay River for years. It's nothing new to the Town of Hay River, and we have no plans of changing that at this time. Also in regards to the clients that we are looking at, we have done needs surveys, we have a lot of facilities we have in Hay River we're going to have to replace at some point, and we're looking at possibly moving those residents into this unit while we have to either replace the existing seniors' units in Hay River and move those residents into this new facility, because we do have to...

Debates of , (day 7)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, as all the Members know, we are moving towards centralizing our social funding to one institution, which is the Department of Education, Culture and Employment, where we’ve basically allocated $30 million from the housing program in regards to subsidies that we provide and through the arrangement of centralizing the funds that are provided to people in the Northwest Territories for programs and subsidy programs from home grants in regards to subsidies for our housing stock for social housing and also in regards to programs that we have from fuel subsidies...