David Krutko

Mackenzie Delta

Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 23)

Thank you, Madam Chair. In regard to the commitment we’ve made, I know in the Sahtu, when we were in Colville Lake we did commit to go into the region and have a workshop with the region with regards to housing and also I had heard similar requests from the Nahendeh riding, I believe, that we were still looking forward to doing this fiscal year. I think that by having seniors involved in these workshops, that will improve our dialogue and allow them input at these regional meetings. We definitely will be going to the different communities and hearing from the public on exactly our mandate....

Debates of , (day 23)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, there will be no industry contributions. It will come out of the sale of the units. The number we’re working from is $230 million.

Debates of , (day 23)

Thank you, Madam Chair. To my left I have the president of the Housing Corporation, Mr. Fred Koe; to my right I have Mr. Jeff Anderson, chief financial officer.

Debates of , (day 23)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, we will be going into each community and having community meetings and getting community consultation and making them aware of the number of the allocation, the lots that are going to be required, and also with that consultation with the communities where these units should be built. So we will be going community by community in regards to the allocation, and also working with the communities to identify the appropriate lands that are going to be needed to build these. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 23)

The tenant relations officer pretty well works for the LHO to deal with tenant relation issues. The people hired under the liaison officer position deal with the program side, working with the seniors, the people who are private homeowners. Basically it’s about a $20,000 contribution that’s given to the community for that position.

Debates of , (day 23)

Thank you, Madam Chair. Madam Chair, presently we do that. We do have a system in place where we take the condition rating of the unit and then we determine what the basic condition rating is and subtract that from the rent. The rent is based on the condition rating of the house right now, so you don’t pay the full cost. You pay based on exactly what the rate of that unit is. It is subtracted from the total price and then that’s the price that we use. So we do that right now, based on the condition ratings that we use for our public housing stock, and that’s how we come up with the...

Debates of , (day 23)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, under special circumstances, especially for medical reasons, we will hold the person’s unit. If they have to go down south for treatment or whatnot, we will maintain those units. Again, the problem that we’re having, especially with the LHOs, is we just don’t have capacity for the number of people that are on our waiting lists. Roughly right now we have some 410 people on a waiting list to get into social housing. So because of the capacity issue, we’re not able to accommodate, but the LHOs do make the decisions in regards to working with the clients...

Debates of , (day 23)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, before anybody out there in the public gets the assumption that I’m misleading anyone here in the House, I just want to point out from the Hansard I read earlier today that I made it clear that these missions in regards to our plans are subject to continued support from the federal government in the amount of $50 million over two years. It’s in my opening comments. So I don’t want anyone out there to assume in any way I mislead this House by making that statement. The statement is clear. In order for this to proceed, we need the federal $50 million...

Debates of , (day 23)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, it’s standard policy that’s universal across the Territories. The LHOs follow it. It’s a territorial policy.

Debates of , (day 23)

Thank you, Madam Chair. Madam Chair, just in case the Member doesn’t understand, I have been here for 10 years and housing is probably one of the biggest priorities for myself and also the ridings that represent the challenges are not just unique to my riding or the Member’s riding through the Northwest Territories. The challenge we have is a national crisis right across Canada. What we are doing here is to change the mandate to the corporation, is to find a mechanism that we are able to deliver 185 houses, being able to deliver 500 houses over three years. But in realizing that, in 1992...