David Krutko
Statements in Debates
Thank you, Madam Chair. As soon as possible. As soon as I can get a phone number, give her a call, congratulate her and see how soon we can meet. So ASAP.
Thank you, Mr. Chair. I will allow the president to respond to that.
I couldn’t answer the Member’s question, but the last lease that we did enter into was in 1998, which was almost seven years ago.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, we do try to work with communities and especially with our LHOs. We do find that we're trying to give more responsibility for the local housing authorities to build capacity, but also take on more housing responsibilities such as the seniors' maintenance repair program. We're asking the LHOs to do the work in house so they can hire another person on staff so that they have someone in the community that has a ticket and are able to build up their capacity in communities. But I think also the majority of our contracts that go to communities are tendered...
We are looking at 108 units; roughly about $19.9 million.
Thank you, Madam Chair. Madam Chair, we do have people from different areas. The committee will be chaired by the assistant deputy minister of the strategic planning from the Executive. Along with him will be somebody from the directorate of budget and evaluation, which is FMBS. Along with that, we will have our chief financial officer, Mr. Jeff Anderson, as part of this committee. Now, committee will go out to meet with the stakeholders through the local housing authorities, mayors, chiefs and MLAs, and also we will be reviewing it with other journal departments. We are hoping to have...
Thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, we are working with a few seniors’ societies to look at expanding their senior allocation. Aven’s Centre is one of them. We are also working with the group out of Hay River to look at seniors’ housing. Also, we can get the Member the historical allocations because we do have a lot of seniors’ facilities in a lot of communities. Most of them have been transferred over or used for other uses such as public housing or market housing or whatnot. So I would like to give the Member that and provide him that information in regards to historical numbers. But as...
I think this question is probably better answered by the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, if we don’t get the federal funding, we will just deliver the formula we used before, which is 118 units. We have the resources to build 118 units with our own money this year. We are pretty positive we will be receiving the money from the feds; the $50 million over two years.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, the whole idea of the Supported Lease Program is to get individuals who have been social clients for a number of years and get people into owning their first home. Through the Supported Lease Program, they lease the unit for two years and pay the costs we would have had to pay, the operational costs, and also ensuring that they are able to maintain the unit over two years. Once we’ve gone through that two-year period, we sit down with the client and work with them to go to the bank and get a mortgage through EDAP, so that we are able to get individuals...