David Ramsay
Statements in Debates
Thank you, Madam Speaker. In my Member’s statement today I spoke of my frustration with the way the government provides information on changes to capital projects to the Members of this Assembly and to its standing committees. I’d like to ask the Minister of Finance today whether he would commit to providing, as part of the background information on the capital acquisition plan, a listing, and that is a complete listing, of all capital projects that have lapsed or have been held over to subsequent years? Thank you, Madam Speaker.
Thank you, Madam Speaker. Over the course of this short session much of our time has been spent reviewing the fate of the Territorial Treatment Centre. I have to tell you, Madam Speaker, that I am not very impressed with the process used by this government to get us where we are at today.
The Minister of Health and Social Services is presenting the transfer of the Territorial Treatment Centre to Hay River as a fait accompli. Bosco Homes, the contractor, seems to be onside. The only problem are those pesky Yellowknife MLAs who are concerned about whether the children will have access to the...
Total Aboriginal Affairs, $161,000.
Total department, special warrants, $1.491 million.
Thank you, Mr. Minister. We are back on page 21, Environment and Natural Resources, operations expenditures, corporate management, not previously authorized, negative $137,000.
Page 29, Justice, capital investment expenditures, services to government, special warrants, $74,000.
Thank you. We will now go back to Bill 1. Is committee agreed to go clause by clause?
Thank you, Madam Speaker. I am sure the Premier and the Finance Minister do get the point that I am getting at, which is the fact that anything in this Northern Strategy and anything I have seen since becoming a Member of this Legislative Assembly, the only thing I have seen is us raising taxes. I don’t believe we have taken a good, solid look at how we can decrease the cost of living on our residents. I know other countries around the world have identified certain areas of their country as economic areas of development and things of that nature. I don’t know why the federal government wouldn...
Total department, special warrants, $868,000.
Thank you, Mr. Yakeleya. Mr. Minister.