David Ramsay
Statements in Debates
Agreed. Thank you, committee, and I would like to thank the Minister and Mr. Voytilla for being with us today. Thank you. What is the wish of the committee? Mr. Braden.
Thank you, Mr. Hawkins. Mr. Minister.
Agreed. We are going to go to schedules first before we go into the clause by clause. If I could draw your attention to page 3, it starts on schedule, part I, vote I, operations expenditures, total supplementary appropriation for operations expenditures, $20.520 million.
Thank you, Madam Speaker. How could the Minister make the assertion that moving this program will have no impact on the clients when we haven’t seen anything in terms of what the impact is going to be and the needs of the clients are going to be in terms of speech therapy, paediatric support, ideology, psychology and other educational needs? These children need responsiveness. They need action right now. If they are in a setting where they can’t get that and they have to take a flight to Yellowknife and try to get squeezed into an appointment three months from now, that’s not good enough...
Thank you, Mr. Braden. Mr. Minister.
Thank you. Now to the preamble.
Thank you, Mr. Hawkins. Mr. Minister.
That is for environmental protection. Total department, $19.9 million.
Thank you, Madam Speaker. The more I learn about this situation about the proposal to move the TTC out of Yellowknife, the more concerned and alarmed I am that due diligence was not done and consultation was not done. Just as recently as today, I found out that on the educational side, for the needs of the clients at the TTC, there was no consultation with Education. ECE had really no knowledge that this was going to happen when the Cabinet Minister was sitting in a meeting making a decision on this back in March. His department had no idea of it. I would like to know how that happens. It...
Thank you, Mr. Minister. I'll refer the question to Mr. Bell.