David Ramsay
Statements in Debates
There is a lot that’s not supposed to be shared. It’s something that we’d have to be cognizant of the fact that the federal government is negotiating the agreement with the European Union. There are some things we can share with Members, and we’d be more than happy to share what we can with Members and we’ll take things from there.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Recently there was a traditional economy workshop held in Deline with the SRRB and, as well, CanNor helped us fund that. I would be happy to provide the Member with a copy of our presentation from that.
But getting to the programs that we do have and the assistance that we do have, of course, we have the Take a Kid Trapping and Take a Kid Harvesting, which are done through the schools in the Northwest Territories. We also have the Community Harvester Assistance Program, which is almost $1.1 million on an annual basis. We also have a number of other programs that we...
I would have to defer that question to the Department of Finance.
I understand ENR has had some contact and is working toward that. From our perspective at ITI, we will continue to work with Minister Miltenberger and his staff at ENR to move that along.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I know it’s not Ms. Magrum’s last time at the table as ENR is coming up, but I just wanted to thank her. I know she’s going to be retiring soon and leaving the Government of the Northwest Territories. I just wanted to thank her for all of her hard work that she does on behalf of ITI. I know Minister Miltenberger will get a chance to thank her as well. Thank you.
Mr. Speaker, as I mentioned to the Member, that is something that we will consider. Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Under energy initiatives under the Department of ENR there is some funding for wind projects and wind monitoring. As well, on the issue of the Whati transmission line, I will go to Deputy Minister Vician for an update on the Whati transmission line. Thank you.
Thank you. I do appreciate the Member’s concerns and the organizers could access additional funding through our SEED Program in the region, and again, they’d need to approach regional staff in Inuvik to do that and to avail themselves of some SEED funding to help out with the arts festival. Thank you.
Thank you. On April 1st of 2012 we signed a new 20-year agreement with the RCMP for services here in the Northwest Territories. We also are working closely with our counterparts in Nunavut and the Yukon on First Nations Policing. It’s a federal program. We’re hoping to have some success by working in a pan-territorial approach to try to get some funding for First Nations policing. We’re hoping for the best with that as well.
Historically we’ve seen a range anywhere between $100,000 and $300,000. Once the factories are up and running, we could anticipate a number somewhere in that range, Madam Chair. Thank you.