Don Stewart

Hay River

Statements in Debates

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 15)

Thanks, Mr. Chair. As the Member well knows, this has been a file that is moving pretty rapidly, so we are working on that now. The intention is that it would be distributed through the liquor commission. It will become another product of the liquor commission, similar to any other product, and so it would be part of that revolving fund.

Then, in terms of the taxation side, we will record the taxation that is outside of just the markups and those sorts of things as part of the main estimates, it would be through the Department of Finance. It is not just, as the Member has alluded to, about the...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 15)

Thanks, Mr. Chair. It is a real challenge for us because we have a couple of factors that are at play here. One is that we do not have that many large filers in terms of the system, so the behaviour of any one of them in terms of a circumstance where they may be able to do more write-offs can have quite an impact. The other issue is that corporations can go back and re-file for previous years, so there are always adjustments that are taking place, as well, and then, because we would have already received that money from the federal government, then they are clawing that back from us, for lack...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 15)

Thanks, Mr. Chair. To address the issue that the Member has spoken of, one of the things we are doing is we are delivering more of our training programs with an online option to it. So recently, for example, we launched a fairly major set of technical training that is now available online, so anybody could take it at their desk and return back to the point in which they left off if work takes over, and those sorts of things.

That's not going to work in every case, but it does give another option available to staff. We do not have the data here for the types of training by position, but one the...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 15)

Thanks, Mr. Chair. I think, typically, what the audits end up finding is there are some recordkeeping issues sometimes with folks or that they misclassified. In the case of the fuel type, they may have misclassified some fuel types, but, generally speaking, I think, with the reality of the audits, people know that we are coming, and they tend to keep pretty good records for us.

You always find a little something that they can improve on administratively and those sorts of things, but I do not think that it would be fair to say that there is a pattern of an area where people are being...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 15)

Thank you, Mr. Chair. So the proposed investment of $400,000 is related to labour relations capacity, and specifically related to collective bargaining and compensation analysis. So we currently have one position that provides all of the research and analytical support for bargaining and compensation. We are starting to deal with a more complex environment in terms of some of the provincial governments and how they approach the compensation policy, those sorts of things.

We are moving towards selfgovernment, and, as Indigenous governments draw down jurisdiction or enter into service delivery...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 15)

Thanks, Mr. Chair. I do not have anything too specific, but I am sure the Member was aware of all of the various proposals that the federal government put forward. I think there were things around incomesplitting and being able to have some of the expenses from your business written off for family members and those sorts of things.

Not all of those changes came through, but, when they were announced as possible changes, I think what happened was that people were noting that those were coming and did some steps to structure themselves a little bit differently.

We can see if the federal...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 15)

Thanks, Mr. Chair. The Member is correct. So we are forecasting a cash surplus of $2 million for the year, and then that would then reduce the shortterm debt by that $2 million. Thanks, Mr. Chair.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 15)

Thanks, Mr. Chair. It is a benefit that is done through the income tax system, same as the Canada Child Benefit. There is always concern with the filing rates, and we keep a pretty close eye on that. I can say that, by all reasonable sort of analyses based on population estimates and those sorts of things, we believe that it is certainly over 95 per cent that we are picking up. We can't know with absolute certainty around that because, obviously, population estimates are estimates, as well, but it appears like we have got pretty good coverage.

One of the areas that we do work with the CRA on...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 15)

Thanks, Mr. Chair. I believe those are set in regulation, but I would have to confirm that. That is my understanding is that it is a regulation and under the federal system, but we will confirm that, and we can get back to the Member on that.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 15)

Thanks, Mr. Chair. I think we are in a position to be able to come to standing committee now and talk about the options that might be available to us. I think the option that we will probably be recommending to the Minister is related to looking at the types of investments that are currently set out and then possibly getting some external help with the management side of that. When the Heritage Fund was set up, it was very conservative in terms of the types of things. You look at other funds, including some that are operated by the Legislative Assembly, that allow much more, I do not want to...