Frederick Blake Jr.
Statements in Debates
Thank you, Minister Schumann. Any further questions, committee? If not, I will read the page. Infrastructure, corporate management, operations expenditure summary, 2019-2020 Main Estimates, $10,715,000. Does committee agree?
Thank you, Minister Schumann. Mr. McNeely.
Thank you, Mr. McNeely. Minister Schumann.
Thank you, Minister Schumann. Mr. O'Reilly, your time has expired. If you want, I can put you on the list again. Thank you. Any further questions from committee on the information items? Seeing none, we will now return to the departmental summary found at page 231. Infrastructure, total department, $264,013,000. Does committee agree?
Thank you, Minister Schumann. Mr. Testart.
Okay. Thank you, Mr. Vanthuyne. Any further questions from committee? Seeing none, I will call the page. Minerals and petroleum resources, operations expenditure summary, $16,569,000. Does committee agree?
Thank you. A motion is on the floor to report progress. The motion is in order and is non-debatable. All those in favour? All those opposed? The motion is carried.
I will now rise and report progress. Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Beaulieu. We will continue after a short recess. Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Guy. Mr. Testart.
Thank you, Mr. Thompson. Mr. McCormick.