Frederick Blake Jr.
Statements in Debates
Thank you. Does committee agree that we have concluded the Department of Infrastructure?
Thank you, Mr. McLeod. Usually, we don't do a second round, but I will let Mr. Testart.
Bill 24 is now ready for third reading. Does committee agree that this concludes our consideration of Bill 24?
Thank you, Mr. Simpson. Ms. St-Denis.
Thank you, Mr. Simpson. Ms. Mujcin.
Agreed. Thank you. We will now return to page 35. Industry, Tourism and Investment, departmental total, total capital estimates, $11,530,000. Does committee agree?
Thank you, Minister Schumann. Ms. Robertson.
Thank you, Mr. Thompson. Minister Schumann.
Thank you, Mr. Testart. Any further questions, committee? Seeing none, is the committee agreed that there are no further comments?
Agreed. Clause 36. Mr. Testart.