Frederick Blake Jr.
Statements in Debates
Thank you, Minister McLeod. Mr. O'Reilly.
Thank you, Mr. Stewart. Mr. Testart.
Thank you, committee. Next, we have the Department of Justice, operations expenditures not previously authorized under community, justice and policing, $100,000. Does committee agree?
Thank you, Mr. Stewart. Mr. O'Reilly.
Agreed. Thank you. Next, we have income security not previously authorized, $2,807,000. Does committee agree?
Thank you, Mr. Beaulieu. Does committee agree?
Thank you, Mr. Stewart. Mr. O'Reilly.
Thank you, Minister McLeod. Mr. Testart.
Thank you. Next, we have under tourism and parks not previously authorized, $50,000. Does committee agree?
Thank you. Sergeant-at-Arms, please escort the witnesses into the Chamber, even though they are there. It's all process. Thank you. Would the Minister please introduce his witnesses once again? Thank you.