Frederick Blake Jr.
Statements in Debates
Thank you, Minister Sebert. Mr. Vanthuyne.
Thank you, Mr. Hagen. Mr. Thompson.
Thank you, Minister Sebert. Mr. Hagen.
Thank you, Minister Cochrane. Mr. O'Reilly.
Thank you, Minister Cochrane. Any further questions on School of Community Government? Mr. Beaulieu.
Agreed. Thank you. That brings us next to page 360, sport, recreation and youth, operations expenditures summary, $5,342,000. Does committee agree? Question. Mr. Thompson.
Thank you, Minister Cochrane. Any further questions, Mr. McNeely? No further questions on page 364 to 367? Seeing none, we will now return to the departmental summary on page 331.
Municipal and Community Affairs, total department, $107,177,000. Does committee agree?
Thank you, Premier McLeod. Ms. Green.
Thank you, Mr. Testart. Minister Sebert.
Thank you, Minister Sebert. Mr. Thompson.