Frederick Blake Jr.
Statements in Debates
Thank you, Mr. Chair. Just under the fur pricing program, you know, I know we're well above other agents like the Yukon and other areas throughout Canada. I sure hope this program continues. It really helps out the trappers. I just wanted to commend the department on that. I know the struggles they have in the Yukon compared to our trappers here in the NWT, and I've really noticed a lot more younger people going out trapping. It goes to show that Take a Kid Trapping is very successful, and I just hope that those programs continue. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Start under disaster compensation. I see there is only $15,000 there. As you may know, in previous years, especially in Fort McPherson and sometimes Aklavik, we have a lot of flooding in these areas, a lot of camps that are usually under water. This spring I have seen a couple of houses floating there. It is at the same water level as DOT stores its ferries. It is within reason. Just offhand, would the deputy minister know how many claims we have had in that area? Thank you.
Yes, thank you, Mr. Chair. Usually on these boards, we always have one designate for GNWT or all the signatories of the herds there. I just want to ensure that our member is communicating well with ENR or the department because, for example, I've noticed that PCMB… I sat on the board when the management plan was developed. It showed that the population is 198,000 which is getting to the point of overpopulation. We have to ensure that our member is aware of this and that brings this up its board meetings. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Yes, thank you. Mr. Chair, at the time I recall it pretty clearly, because I saw on the renewable resource consult when it came up in the meeting. You know, at the time it was told to the people, as it's voluntary. It's just there to keep track of how much wood is being used. I know it's not a big deal to get the permit. It's just the actual process of making it mandatory. I think it should go back to the communities, just so people are more aware of it. Thanks.
Mr. Speaker, I give notice that on Thursday, June 9, 2016, I will move the following motion: now therefore I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Range Lake, that Ms. Nitya Iyer be appointed as Equal Pay Commissioner in accordance with the Public Service Act by the Commissioner of the Northwest Territories as recommended by the Legislative Assembly. And further that the Speaker be authorized to communicate the effective date of the appointment to the Commissioner. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
That brings me to my next question: during this update, the department said that they will be offering courses under the School of Community Government for training for councillors and also the future mayor. I'd just like to ask the Minister: when will these courses be offered in the community? I really look forward to that.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have a few questions for the Minister of MACA. This past spring, there was an update to the community, and I just wanted to check with the Minister to make sure that we are in fact on track as the update to the community was last given. I would like to ask the Minister: what is the status of the Hamlet of Fort McPherson? Are we in fact out of the deficit? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Yes, thank you, Mr. Chair. Just going back a couple of years ago, you know, I really like the work the department has done on the area of… You know, we have a young trapper out of Hay River. His name doesn't hit me right now, but I'm sure you know who I'm referring to. He works with the fur harvesting program, and I like to see that sort of trapping highlighted. You can even get it on satellite TV. I watch it. The reason is, here in the NWT, we use Conibear traps. These are the latest codes we follow here in the NWT, and anybody who watches Yukon Men, you know, those programs in Alaska that...
Thank you, Mr. Chair. Yes, it just felt like that number is kind of low, there. I know one year we had over 20 camps that were underwater, so for the future I think a little more needs to be put into that area. But in another area here, under the local wildlife committees. This refers to the RRCs, HTCs, and whatnot; one thing the RRCs in my riding have noticed is that they're using a lot of their own funds to operate the RRC. I see it says band councils here, but I’m not sure if the money goes directly to the Gwichyaa Gwich’in, for example, and Tsiigehtchic. You know, they operate the RRC, and...