Frieda Martselos
Statements in Debates
Given that Fort Smith already has much of the infrastructure, an existing knowledge-based economy, and a highly qualified workforce employed presently in a campus atmosphere, it would only make sense to keep the future headquarters in Fort Smith. Does the Minister agree?
Mr. Speaker, can the Minister provide us with a timeline for when we can expect his department to announce where the headquarters of the future polytechnic university will reside? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Mr. Speaker, my first question is: does the Minister acknowledge that there is an issue of systemic racism faced by Indigenous staff within the correctional division of the Department of Justice? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Mr. Speaker, the issue of systemic racism existing within government institutions and agencies is not something new. This has been a known fact for decades. However, it's something that has not always been taken seriously by most people in positions of power.
Mr. Speaker, I think the tide is starting to turn because more and more people are getting to speak more openly against systemic racism. Not only have we seen several months of global protests against police brutality and racial inequality, but we are also seeing key politicians begin to acknowledge and address systemic racism.
For example...
Mr. Speaker, the Indigenous staff at the Fort Smith Correctional Complex deserve justice. Systemic racism at this facility is unacceptable and must be corrected. I am wondering if the Minister will take the high road, do the correct thing, and acknowledge systemic racism. My question is: will the Minister consider doing an external review of the Fort Smith Correctional Complex? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Addresses against systemic racism must start somewhere. Can the Minister explain what the terms of reference are for the recent workplace assessment, which is being completed by an independent contractor, and explain what the expected outcomes are? Also, would the systemic racism issues in the files that were presented by my constituents be addressed by this assessment? If not, how is the Minister going to address these issues?
Mr. Speaker, the status quo cannot persist on this matter, otherwise systemic racism will continue to persist throughout corrections and carry on straight up the chain of command. Change must come from the top down on this very important issue, otherwise Indigenous correctional staff will continue to lose their jobs if they speak out against racism or discriminatory policies that they see taking place. If nothing is done on this issue, if it continues to be ignored by this government, then our government is signaling that what the Department of Justice is doing is okay and that systemic racism...
The Minister sent me some emails, which were puzzling, regarding the individual files and my concerns of systemic racism at the Fort Smith Correctional Complex. Bureaucratic answers given to me by the Minister when this is such a hot and pressing issue for my constituents who are Indigenous staff are not acceptable. Will the Minister be more thoughtful, considerate, and give more compassionate solutions to systemic racism within the corrections system?
There seems to be a communication gap between the Minister's office and the local housing authority regarding threatening letters of eviction and last-chance letters. Will the Minister ensure that the local housing authority follows the direction of the public announcement in Fort Smith?
Mr. Speaker, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation issued a public announcement stating that all evictions from rental housing units will not be carried out unless there is a significant matter involving risk to other tenants or the NWT Housing Corporation's buildings. My question is: will the Minister consider amending this policy to mandate a freeze on all evictions in the NWT until this pandemic has ended? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.