Frieda Martselos
Statements in Debates
Can the Minister explain what the current stage that the Taltson hydro expansion is in and what comes next?
Mr. Speaker, the COVID-19 global pandemic has created a lot of uncertainty and delays for much of our daily life. My question is: does the Department of Infrastructure still consider this project as a priority for the 19th Assembly, the Taltson expansion? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
It is very important to have rehabilitation programming being led by properly qualified people, especially people who understand historic trauma and Indigenous healing, not just people trained in corrections or regular counselling. My question is: can the Minister list all the corrections programming that is being led or overseen by Indigenous personnel with proper qualifications?
I guess I just want to point out, Madam Chair, that there seems to be a disparity in allocations again. We always say that we want equal programs, equal rights, equal everything, for each and every member of the Northwest Territories. When I look at some of these services that are provided, it really makes me wonder if that is really the case. I would like the Minister to tell me how she is going to ensure that, in future estimates, because this is our first one, really, some of these concerns are brought forward in the future.
Mr. Speaker, can the Minister of Justice tell us what Indigenous programming is currently being offered in the NWT corrections facilities? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
I would like to clarification on the seniors fund of $205,000. That goes to support the NWT Seniors' Society. There are different societies in a lot of the regional centres in other places. Do they get funding from this fund? How does that work? I just want clarification.
On page 176, we're talking about long-term care and supported living. That $36,363,000, what does that include, for clarification? They're just figures to me. I just want clarification on the figure, please, Madam Chair.
I don't have any further questions, Madam Chair.
Thank you, Madam Chair. Let's go back to the $73,936,000 for all of the community clinics and health centres. I would like a breakdown of all of communities and how much each community gets and the health centres and how many they're allocated. That is part of my question. There is too much disparity here, and I am concerned about healthcare access by all members of the Northwest Territories equally, especially in the communities. Thank you, Madam Chair.
I need more clarification, Madam Chair, for the $134,607,000. That includes the Hay River, considered a hospital, the Inuvik hospital, and Stanton, and then I want to see the breakdown. I would like clarification on the breakdown.