Glen Abernethy

Great Slave

Statements in Debates

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 51)

It's my expectation that those will be shared when requested by the regional wellness councils.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 51)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I will answer the question, but before I do so I just want to take this opportunity to apologize to the Member. Yesterday he asked me some questions on the regional wellness council and gave me an example, and I responded that I had responded by way of email. It turns out that email was in my draft account and I had never actually hit "send," so I am embarrassed, and I really apologize for giving that wrong information. This morning, I did send the Member an email with the correct information. So I do apologize for the confusion and the frustration that...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 50)

I love the Member's passion on this file. This is a file that I have some passion for, as well. I do encourage Members to attend regional wellness council meetings. They are public. Anybody can attend them, and there are usually great discussions to these. So, please, all Members, attend your regional wellness council meetings.

Mr. Speaker, I did attend a meeting with the leadership council in the spring, and the leadership council did express some concerns with how information is flowing to and from regional councils. At that time, I committed to the chairs that I would attend each of the...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 50)

Mr. Speaker, there is no such thing as black and white in many of the things that we do. Many of the questions that come to me from MLAs are very complex in nature and require expertise at the front-line level, which requires us to go through our staff to the deputy minister's staff, to the authority's staff, to the front-line providers who are the ones who can provide us with that information. I do my best to endeavour to provide the MLAs with indication if answers are going to take longer than the standard five days, but in some situations, given the complexity and scope of the questions...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 50)

I would strongly encourage the Member to check his e-mails again because I do believe I followed up on that when he raised these concerns. Our intention is not to wait to provide that information to the regional wellness council first. Our intention is to get that information available to both parties who ask, which are MLA and regional wellness council, they both asked the same information, but to get to the information as soon as we can. However, at the same time, Mr. Speaker, I am strongly encouraging the Member to attend the next regional wellness council, where staff from the department...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 50)

Mr. Speaker, there is no role for the members of the regional wellness councils to provide information to MLAs. The regional wellness council members exist to provide input and guidance on the delivery of services at authority level, and they provide that information both directly at regional level but also through the leadership council up to the board. I do, however, encourage engagement among MLAs, community members, and regional wellness councils, given the shared commitment to improving health and social services in the Northwest Territories, but the regional wellness councils do not...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 49)

Mr. Speaker, I wish to table the following six documents entitled "Follow-up Letter for Oral Question 371-18(3): Dialysis Services"; "Follow-up Letter for Oral Question 395-18(3): Hay River Regional Health Centre"; "Follow-up Letter for Oral Question 399-18(3): Specified Condition Funding Eligibility for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis"; "Follow-up Letter for Oral Question 436-18(3): Family Violence Crisis Funding"; "Follow-up Letter for Oral Question 450-18(3): Child and Family Services"; and "Follow-up Letter for Oral Question 455-18(3): Child and Family Services." Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 49)

The regional wellness councillors are an incredibly important group of individuals, and they have the opportunity to bring information both from the public to the system, but also from the system to the public. Regional wellness council members are encouraged to obviously contact the chairperson of the respective wellness councils and to add items of concern to the agendas of those councils. They also have an opportunity, when appropriate, to go to the chief operating officer of a region, who may be able to provide them updates or information if they are looking for that information so that...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 49)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, there is an orientation manual for the regional wellness council members on their roles and responsibilities. The handbook is updated on a regular basis. It's currently being reviewed to include updating information around additional guidelines and whatnot to make their jobs better understood and more clear. This will be shared, obviously, with the regional wellness councils across the Northwest Territories. There is a training session coming up where we are inviting all regional wellness council members to come in for an update and to be familiarized with...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 49)

As I indicated, there are several different ways for information to come in and different levels that it can go to, which means that there are several different ways for that information to come back.

If the Regional Wellness Council member is seeking just generic or general information from the chief operating officer, the chief operating officer can provide that directly to the council member or have their staff do so. If the information has been escalated up through the chair to the board, the information will pass, then, through the chair of that particular wellness council to the wellness...