Glen Abernethy

Great Slave

Statements in Debates

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 38)

I know the current number in the Northwest Territories. I can't tell the Member how many people over time have had ALS. The number is quite small, and given the fact that it's small, it might be statistically inappropriate for me to throw that number out, but I am happy to have a sit-down with the Member and let her know how many individuals are currently living with ALS in the Northwest Territories.

I say that recognizing that the media has already interviewed both the individuals or their families, so we know how many individuals there are out there, but I'm not prepared to say at this time...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 38)

Mr. Speaker, as I've previously indicated, safety is a primary concern for us as we work to deliver the services through this sobering centre day shelter. It's safety for our staff, safety for the residents, the client, but also safety for the neighbours who live or work immediately adjacent. We have put in the telephone number. We have shared it with neighbours, and we have asked them to please use the number. We need to hear their experiences. We need to learn from their experiences in order to improve what is happening around that facility.

With respect to street outreach, there is the Safe...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 38)

In reviewing what has been provided by other jurisdictions across this country, it has been clear to us that no other jurisdiction actually has coverage for ALS, either. Fortunately, in other jurisdictions, they do have ALS societies that have done incredible work to support people with ALS by getting them the equipment they need, often on a loaner basis. We don't have an ALS society here in the Northwest Territories, but the Alberta ALS Society has been a significant partner for individuals in the Northwest Territories who are struggling with ALS.

Having said that, I take the Member's point...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 38)

Mr. Speaker, protecting our children from abuse and neglect and providing services aimed at keeping families healthy, safe and intact are fundamental priorities of this government. This is a priority for me personally, as well. Since joining the Legislative Assembly in 2007, both as a Regular Member and as a Minister, I have worked to ensure our Child and Family Services System is built around the philosophy that the best supports for children are strong and resilient families.

Our government has actively supported this philosophy through investments in early childhood development...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 38)

There are a couple of things that need to happen. Obviously, we need to determine and quantify the cost of bringing the individuals into the public service. Specifically, what I mean by that is the cost of the pensions and the cost of ensuring those who are already receiving pensions through Hay River who have worked there over the many years are not adversely affected, but that the individuals coming into the new system, our system, with superannuation are not adversely affected or penalized as a result of the pension that they provided in the past. We've had discussions in here about the...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 38)

I just want to correct one of the Member's statements. This Cabinet is committed to bringing Hay River into the public service. It is one of our mandate items, and we are doing a significant amount of work to make that happen. It is a big task. It may not happen in the life of this government, but that does not mean that we are not doing important work today that is going to help make that happen in the future.

I did have an opportunity to meet with Mr. Willows. We did talk about the authority, and I have provided Mr. Willows with a mandate letter outlining his role, responsibilities, and...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 38)

I am not 100 per cent sure I understand the question, but I will do my best. At a territorial level, we do have some standards and standard protocols that we are putting in place at a territorial level, which all of the regional operations have to adhere to when it comes to things like plans of care and different things like that. In-house, there will be some local training, there will be some local policies and procedures that are put together by the staff of that authority. They obviously have to be consistent with the territorial policy and standards, but there is an opportunity to do some...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 38)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, with the creation of the new Norman Wells long-term care facility, which I had the honour of visiting with the Member opposite for the grand opening, 37 positions were created the for this long-term care facility. Currently, as of today, we have 35 of those positions filled. We have one nursing clinical coordinator, seven LPNs, 12 resident care aides, three relief resident care aides, one clerk, one activity rehab aide, six-and-a-half housekeepers -- I am not sure how we have half a housekeeper -- one-and-a-half cooks, and three cooks' assistants. There are...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 38)

We use locums throughout our system on many different occasions, and we fund those locums through vacancies and through other unexpended salary dollars. We have brought in some audiology staff to provide some locums. We have also had some incredible difficulty finding people to come in and provide some of that backfill for us. We went for an extended period of time last year where we were actually unable to find somebody to provide that backfill. So I think there are some challenges at a national level to find individuals, but, yes, we absolutely use some unexpended dollars to provide locums...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 38)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, yes, there are significant wait lists for audiology. We have actually done a number of things to try to reduce that wait list, and the Member has actually identified already that we have put in a third position in audiology. National levels are five audiologists per 100,000 people. We previously had two-and-a-half. Now, we have three, so we are slightly over that. Having said that, we still have significant wait lists.

I have asked the department to begin a review with the NWT Health and Social Services Authority, focusing on wait time and waiting list...