Herbert Nakimayak


Statements in Debates

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 52)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I appreciate all the words of my colleagues up until now. I just want to say, Mr. Speaker, this motion to place binding arbitration before the mediation is not taking the proper steps in the first place, and I think what has happened here is we're tripping up the negotiators as they walk into the negotiating room. That, Mr. Speaker, is unfair. What it is, it's a lack of confidence, both in the Government of the Northwest Territories and the UNW, so I think this is kind of a double-edged sword that has been put upon us. I think, Mr. Speaker, we need to look...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 51)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I appreciate that response. It looks promising and, as we move towards co-management, self-government, and our own self-determination, it looks like we have something to work with, and I think this is something that we can improve upon as we move forward.

Mr. Speaker, grizzly bears also play a huge role during the calving season and definitely the numbers around the communities in the Northwest Territories have been rising from reports from harvesters and even community members, and bears coming into the communities during the summer and fall season. Mr. Speaker, my...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 51)

I appreciate the response. There was a bit of confusion of maybe communications in some regions of the territory for that. Mr. Speaker, that leads to my next question: will the Minister extend the enhanced wolf harvest incentive program to the rest of the barren-ground caribou herds across the Northwest Territories?

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 51)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Earlier on, a lady by the name of Lena Schofield, who was part of the development of the Yellowknife Inuit Katujjiqatigiit, which is an Inuit organization started up in Yellowknife to help Inuit who don't live in their land claim regions with funding, so that some kids can play hockey, play soccer, attend sports, and things like that. I just want to welcome Lena if she is still around. Also, Mr. Speaker, to my high school buddy, Mr. Dolphus Nitsiza, welcome and quyanainni, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 51)

I appreciate the response. Pilot programs like this are definitely a good indicator of what we need to do looking forward and definitely a good opportunity to look at other herds.

Mr. Speaker, grizzly bears and eagles are also a contributing factor of declining caribou herds during the calving season. Mr. Speaker, will the Minister consider co-management with Indigenous groups to better monitor barren-ground herds during those fragile times?

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 51)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, earlier I spoke about the Wolf Harvest Incentive Program by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. My questions are for the Minister of ENR.

Mr. Speaker, there are harvesters who harvest wolves in the territory, and sometimes, rather than bringing them to ENR, they would like to sell them to a family member so that they can make crafts and sometimes clothing. Mr. Speaker, I think what my question is: are harvesters who sell their wolves to private members in the community still eligible for the prime fur bonus incentive from ENR? Thank you, Mr...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 51)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to see the announcement made by the Minister of ENR on the Enhanced Wolf Harvest Incentive Program launched in the North Slave region. Mr. Speaker, wildlife management in the Northwest Territories is key to ensuring that residents can continue their ways of life, living on the land and practising our cultural ways, whether it is out hunting, fishing, or in the sewing circles across the Northwest Territories.

Mr. Speaker, conservation of our ecosystem as a whole is important to ensure that future generations can hunt, trap, and fish the lakes and...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 50)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased that the new Arctic and Northern Policy Framework is being advanced by the Government of Canada in cooperation with Indigenous governments and northern territorial governments. I see this framework as an opportunity for Canada and the Government of the Northwest Territories to work with Indigenous governments to develop policy together that will benefit every northern region in the country.

Mr. Speaker, one of the main goals should be to build capacity and use Indigenous and local knowledge to develop our regions.

The timeline Canada publicly set...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 50)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It is good to see that. There is a lot of power in allowing Indigenous governments the right to self-determination. It looks like the Government of the Northwest Territories is working that way. Mr. Speaker, when does the Premier expect that money from Canada will flow to implement the priorities that emerge from the new Arctic and Northern Policy Framework?

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 50)

I appreciate the response from the Premier. It is good to see that the GNWT is working laterally with Indigenous governments. I think that is quite important as we develop policy. Getting back to that, Mr. Speaker, would the Premier describe some of the improvements that are resulting from this collaboration with Indigenous governments in the Northwest Territories?