Jackie Jacobson


Statements in Debates

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 5th Session (day 15)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I am in full support of the motion. I am a third generation residential school survivor. When my granddad went to school, I heard a lot of stories by my mother. This is like a slap in the face from the federal government, trying to pull the funding, trying to give us a quick injection of money. I think this is a really good step to force the hand of the federal government to reinstate the funding that is needed in our communities that still don’t have a full complement of social services in regard to seeing the doctors that are required.

So, Mr. Speaker, I’m in full...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 5th Session (day 15)

Mr. Speaker, I brought it up more than once, you know. When you go visiting elders in the communities they always try to feed you, give you tea and whatever they can feed you to give you a meal. Mr. Speaker, the cost of living in the communities is a lot higher than Yellowknife or anywhere in the South Slave. Mr. Speaker, it’s wrong for the people to suffer. People are suffering in the communities. Mr. Speaker, I ask the Minister: will the government find a way to increase social assistance so it meets the most basic needs of people even in the communities where prices are high? Thank you.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 5th Session (day 15)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My questions today are for the Minister of ECE regarding the food basket. Mr. Speaker, it adds to our frustration the government’s formula for calculating social assistance. It’s simply inadequate to compare food prices between Yellowknife and Sachs Harbour. It’s just not realistic.

Mr. Speaker, the people don’t get enough money for food and our people are going hungry. People are living in poverty. No wonder; the cost of living in Nunakput is 81 percent and in some areas higher, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, this is not right in a rich land like ours.

So I ask the Minister...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 5th Session (day 15)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today I would like to pay tribute to a young lady in Tuktoyaktuk, Ms. Devalin Pokiak, who demonstrated not only bravery but the ability to use her skills that her father taught her to ensure his rescue, Mr. Speaker.

On May 15th, CBC states: a hunter from Tuktoyaktuk is recovering from a long ordeal in the Beaufort Sea late last week when he became stranded on a drifting piece of ice for more than 14 hours. The hunter from Tuktoyaktuk is recovering well. Randall Boogey Pokiak and his daughter were driving the snowmobile north of Tuk on Friday when a piece of sea ice...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 5th Session (day 14)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The wages are good for working for the territorial government but not everybody in the community has government jobs. There are about three or four jobs in each community. And income support is not enough. People are going hungry during the third week of every month. Mr. Speaker, all I am asking for the Premier is to see if we can work together to get work for the people up in the Beaufort-Delta in the small communities, with meaningful long-term employment with the diamond mines or the oil and gas section. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 5th Session (day 14)

Mr. Speaker, it is really good that we are giving 70 percent off to Sachs Harbour, finding a way to be able to buy some food in Sachs. It is such a high cost of living in the community. It is a good government. I am happy we work together. That is one thing. Mr. Speaker, will the Minister commit to working with the coalition of Regular Members to businesses and aboriginal partners to develop new strategies for small and remote communities? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 5th Session (day 14)

Mr. Speaker, this government must do more to assist regions to develop the capacity and infrastructure to attract industry, investment and jobs. This government needs to place more attention to resources in small communities and remote communities regarding economic development programs. Mr. Speaker, this program needs to develop a coalition of partners and stakeholders in the Nunakput region due to the unique set of challenges, and promote and coordinate a truly northern, regional and intergovernmental approach at rejuvenating our economy in Nunakput and all across the Territories in the...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 5th Session (day 14)

Mr. Speaker, what success can the Minister point to for this government that we are making for families and youth that want to live in small, remote communities, or what should the Members expect to see from the government that will encourage families or the youth to remain in our small communities and not move to Yellowknife or Inuvik? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 5th Session (day 14)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today in my Member’s statement of Darnley Bay project and the lack of jobs in the communities, I have questions for the Premier. Can the Minister identify the actions that this government is taking to keep small and rural communities alive and growing? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 5th Session (day 14)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This summer in the Nunakput community of Paulatuk, Darnley Bay Resources Ltd, a mining exploration company based in Toronto, will be continuing their studies of ground surveys and taking seismic readings of the community, a section of potentially mineral rich land bordering Tuktut Nogait National Park. Similar to projects all across this Territory, this project has experienced slowdown due to the global economy. Fortunately, this project has again built some momentum and financing to move forward.

Nunakput needs this project. Paulatuk needs this project, Mr. Speaker...