Jackie Jacobson


Statements in Debates

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 152)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Would the Minister consider putting the Canada Recovery Caregiver Benefit, which was more important than CERB as far as I'm concerned because people needed it the most. Would the Minister consider stopping penalizing people who needed the help the most at that time? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 152)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today my Member's statement's on income assistance clawbacks. Today I rise and bring attention to the clawbacks on income assistance in my riding. Over the last weeks, I have received concerns that income assistance recipients that are penalized because of the federal benefits that were received during the COVID pandemic. These benefits include the Canada Recovery Caregiver Benefit, CRBC, Canada Recovery Benefit. Mr. Speaker, many Nunakput residents are in need of these benefits and now it's they're being clawed back. They're being penalized. They claimed these...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 152)

Thank you, Madam Chair. Something going down this path would be so good in regards to having our you know, the elders that were affected by residential school and the Sixties Scoop, something like this would go a long way, really meaningful, and I'm in full support of this motion.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 152)

Thank you, Madam Chair. No, just thinking about the motion here. I think some of the youth that I have in my communities are really, really, really athletic and really resilient little sports especially for hockey. I have some really good little hockey players in Paulatuk and Sachs and out shore communities. But for them to go play hockey into Inuvik, say, for their Gwich'in Cup or the IRC Cup, it's like probably maybe $1,400 return ticket. So stuff like that. Like, a charter going into the community could be up to about 12 to $15,000, and it's really hard for my youth to do stuff like...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 152)

Yeah, thank you, Madam Chair. No, I just want to urge our government, you know, I we do need support for our youth and our communities, and I've been standing on this side of the House and being able to try to get out for youth sport and stuff like that, different aspects for our youth to get out of our small communities. We need to help them. They're really after, like I said since COVID, this last two years out of COVID, we've been our youth are really struggling. I see it every day, because I live it in a small community. And I really the supports that we give, it's not enough....

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 151)

Thank you, Madam Chair. Madam Chair, the cost of living in Nunakput is outrageous and, you know, the Bill 60, we're going down the road that we're unable to use sups to get our backlog, I guess, in funding to try to provide service. You know, our heating fuel and gas prices across the North over the last year, heating fuel and diesel and gasoline, all gone up in Nunakput. Heating fuel has gone up 25 percent, averaging $2.46 a litre. Diesel fuel, is up 24 percent, averaging $2.75 a litre. Gasoline is average up 12 percent at the pump, averaging $2.37 a litre.

This is going to have a rippling...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 151)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today I rise in the House again in regards to Bill 60. Mr. Speaker, it's concerning in this House about the impacts of carbon tax in my riding. I continue to raise my concerns today.

Mr. Speaker, Bill 60 cannot go forward as proposed. The carbon tax is going to increase the cost of living in the Northwest Territories in my riding by 15 percent and 4 percent every year after.

Mr. Speaker, we're doing the federal government's dirty work. How are we going to tax people who have nothing to give, Mr. Speaker? Why are we putting our people at the highest place in the Arctic...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 151)

Yeah, thank you, Mr. Speaker. I want to thank the mover and the seconder for bringing this forward. I think, as an Aboriginal born and raised in Tuktoyaktuk, I think it's pretty shameful on what's happening to any Aboriginal person across this territory, having to pay to be on our own land. And I always like to say we were here first. This government was formed in 1967 and at that time, we've been already here 40 years. And now we're having to have to pay to be on our own land as an Aboriginal person across our territory. I'd build a cabin anywhere I want and let them try to stop me in regards...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 150)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The cost of living continues to rise across the North. Flying in and out of our communities are expensive. It cannot prevent our youth from accessing sport opportunities in Inuvik or further south.

Can the Minister explain what funding supports are provided to territorial sport organizations and organizations like BDSRA given the impacts of inflation; is there any increases on that? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 150)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I still feel our communities that we represent are penalized because of where we live, in this government. Our youth don't have we have afterschool sports in the community. No opportunities for those students to go to regional sporting events until they're older. Why can't this government step up to the plate and this Minister just give the funding that we ask for and put it in the budget? I mean, they always say youth are our future. They're so good at that. But nothing, nothing to back it up. They say and they put it all on the communities for the...