Jackie Jacobson


Statements in Debates

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 95)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I had questions for the housing Minister but she's not in the House, but I'll redirect them to the Premier.

Madam Speaker, the people in my riding are wanting have been waiting way too long in regards to move to the public housing units. Can the Minister provide me with a waitlist per community in my riding in writing? Thank you.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 95)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. So I'm happy to hear the Minister's willing to commit to working with us in regards to Nunakput because we do have a housing strategy being done for a couple of elders facilities that these companies are willing to build and work together with getting a negotiated lease, I guess, that's what's going to be needed to happen. And if I could get commitment, again, for the record, that she's willing to work with us to get these units completed in my riding of Nunakput and the Beaufort Delta. Thank you, Madam Speaker.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 95)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Can the Minister confirm whether the three retrofits in Paulatuk, two retrofits in Ulukhaktok, and a plan for 2022, have they been completed? Thank you, Madam Speaker.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 95)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Day 1 of 20 on budget from Nunakput, Madam Speaker.

Today I'd like to see the spending in the Nunakput riding. Our housing supports, our mental wellness is the biggest need in my riding for my constituents right now. I have 13 percent of our homes that are overcrowded, 28 percent of our homes are needed major retrofits and repair, 25 percent of our homes are in core need.

As I stated yesterday, Madam Speaker, the Beaufort Delta, we face serious mental health challenges among our people and the most severe high rates of suicide. Madam Speaker, what do we do with what...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 94)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I thank the Minister for that. The thing is, like, you know, it's us as leaders that we have to bring forward stuff like this for the people that we represent because we see it, and we live it every day, the hurt and the pain that our constituents go through, you know. Sometimes I'm on calls, you know, for an hour trying to help people. It always come down, you know, and, you know, for the alcoholism, for short of food, for just everything, and then they're being turned away by our government's different departments. Mr. Speaker, it's us as leadership that have to make...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 94)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today I brought up the issues that we've been having with the communities in regards to just needing help for our youth, our elders, for the community gatherings, and once, you know, the restrictions are lifted, you know, if the budget's passed, I see a lot of monies that are available for us, for the Beaufort Delta, potentially for getting people into the community and doing like sharing circles and stuff like that to help the people that we represent and who we work for.

Mr. Speaker, is the Minister of Health willing to assist us in doing that and not just giving us a...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 94)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I again thank the Minister for that. I'll bring, you know, everybody healthy living and for the communities to try to provide best service we can, and I'm really happy to hear that. We are short. And it's not only Nunakput as a whole but the Beaufort Delta. We have nine communities up there that really need help for poststress, everything, anxiety. There's so much stuff that came out of this last two years. We can't even grieve for our families at funerals, Mr. Speaker. You know, having ten people going to a funeral and stuff like that, it's tough on everybody. It...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 94)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'd like to thank the Minister for that. I'd really like to see how we used to do it four or five years ago, when you're travelling in with three or four people, a team that comes in for three or four days, able to work with the community that are certified to listen to people's concerns and they know how to deal with the stresses in life and, you know, suicide prevention workshops and stuff like that. We really need that. We can't just endemic is coming right now. We're going into that next phase of the endemic now, they're saying. So now we need help. And like I said...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 94)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Supportive mental health postCOVID19.

Mr. Speaker, it's been a long two years in the Delta. Public health orders limit social gatherings, the activities in the Nunakput riding across the territory. My constituents are the most isolated communities in the Northwest Territories.

Mr. Speaker, following the health orders after the shutdown of bingos and down of sports activities for the kids shut down, you know, the six weeks of darkness that we put up with, it's been really tough on the communities. At the end of the day, the community hamlets have lost revenues in regards...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 93)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Since our last sitting, Nunakput constituents have passed. I'd like to give our thought, prayers and thoughts and prayers to the families of the deceased.

In Ulukhaktok, we had the passing of Philip Inuktuklit, husband and father, survived by his father, Donald; wife, Lillian; children RayAnne, Kyle, and Bennett. The passing of Winnie Joss, wife of a wellrespected elder, survived by husband, Alan; sons Dan, Robert, and Wallace; daughters Molly, Irene, Helen, and Cora.

In the community of Paulatuk, passing of Fred Bennett, wellrespected elder, former IRC director...