Jackie Jacobson


Statements in Debates

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 52)

The only people who could drive in are from Tuktoyaktuk. I represent the most northerly riding in the territory. Our government gets $38,000 per year per person to provide services. Our government is obligated to provide service in regard to that and to our communities. I really want our government to take this recommendation seriously, to try to work with me. Just say yes. I will use some of my constituency budget when we fly into the communities to go and do it with them. I really want to know. The pandemic changed everything. To try to fly into Inuvik to see a counsellor would be, from...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 52)

Mr. Speaker, today, my statement was in regard to the COVID pandemic and how it changed communities in Nunakput. I am wondering: I am asking the health Minister if she could possibly look and work with me in regard to putting a team together to go to my communities and across the territory if possible, a grief counsellor, a few counsellors, to go into the communities for four or five days to actually sit with the people and listen to the hardships that they are going through and try to work with them to help them. I am hoping the Minister and maybe even the MACA Minister team up to find the...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 52)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Over the last two-and-a-half months, I've been home, and this is basically what I've seen, the struggles that our communities are going through, my home community of Tuktoyaktuk, and I could only imagine the rest of the communities across the territory. This COVID-19, Mr. Speaker, it makes it tough on everybody, the way gatherings and stuff are happening right now, and I think that we really have to thank our front-line workers, our nurses, RCMP, the teachers, our hamlet staff, the community corporations, the bands, our IRC staff in Gwich'in, for all the hard work that...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 51)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Passing of the constituents in my riding of Nunakput. Elizabeth Kuptana passed away. She was a respected elder, recognized, and she received an award for 20 years of service as an Inuvialuktun teacher. She also ran and coordinated many youth language camps, mainly during the summer, at Greens Island, a.k.a. Egg Island. She was a positive influence and advocate of her lifestyle and a traditional cultural leader.

Sadie Ruben passed away in December at a young age. Sadie was a very energetic and family-oriented person who, through her efforts to improve conditions for her...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 51)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I wish to table "Standing Committee on Economic Development and Environment Response to the Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commission Call to Comments and Review of the Commission's Regulatory Framework for the NW Tel Inc. and the State of Telecommunications Services in Canada's North." Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 50)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I don't normally think about Christmas until after Remembrance Day, so let me start by thanking those brave men and women who served in Canada's Armed Forces, especially those who have given their lives in defence of our great country. I hope everyone will be paying their respects on Remembrance Day in their home communities with myself and my ranger brother and sisters. I look forward to seeing them when I get home.

Now, since this is the last day in the House before Christmas and the holiday season and Christmas is 50 days away and business planning is coming, this...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 50)

Maybe we could give those limiters away for Christmas presents as an ornament. Anyways, Madam Speaker, NTPC, get rid of them.

Minister Green, as the pandemic wears on, the impact multiplies for the people who travel repeatedly for medical appointments, so let's make it a priority for testing to ensure they spend most of the possible time with their families. Make those rapid testing kits available for medical travellers. I am looking forward to our tour next week, the next two weeks, in my riding of Nunakput with you. I am looking for that.

Premier Cochrane, please spend that COVID money that...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 49)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I thank the Minister for that. In 2015, when we got that road approved in this House, I could tell you, when we had the Prime Minister attend, in the day it was Stephen Harper who came and told us that we were getting the funds. The GNWT said it was the ITH, the Tuktoyaktuk to Inuvik Highway, but he corrected everybody that it's the Dempster Highway. It's an extension of the Dempster Highway. The funding that we get for the Dempster, it would be easier to keep it as just the Dempster Highway, not unless the community wants to rename the road. I think the investment of...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 49)

We'll invite you to Tuktoyaktuk on November 18th. The GNWT is currently sitting on $450 million capital plan that seems to have trouble getting out the door. Why can't the GNWT look at projects that are to be done by the local contractors around the territory, to prioritize them, help them stimulate our regional economies during this pandemic? The ITH would be a great place to start. What is the GNWT planning to find the necessary funding?

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 49)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. As you know, after more than 30 years of lobbying and planning the design, the Inuvik Tuktoyaktuk Highway opened up in 2017. Since the opening, the ITH has been a lifeline for the community of Tuktoyaktuk. It has reduced the basic needs such as food, clothing, and supplies. Importantly, we can get to Inuvik hospital quickly for medical services. It has also been to visit family, friends, and relatives and to use the facilities there.

I am proud to say the project was built on budget and on time by local contractors, Madam Speaker. It's the highest amount of Indigenous...